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Ares de Borg
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  • Hello Ares, I am trying to use your Ptolemean and Mercenary elephants but I am running into a graphical issue with both of them. Please refer to the attached picture. There is a gray-tinted box around each of the units on the map and the unit preview on the lower right corner shows the magenta background. Do you have a fix for this? Thanks!
    Greetings Ares, I swapped the TerrainBuildings file from Theov's Mod for your file, as it has a very distinctive Barbarian Camp. Do you mind this? Timerover51
    Greetings Ares, I have been using your terrain mod and enjoying the different look it gives the Conquest game.
    I would like your terrain mod. Where is it? I think it would by interested in your units too.
    I now notice that the water tiles in Tom's utility come from your terrain graphics. I'd be thankful if I can use the naval graphics that you designed (with credits of course). That is, of course, your decision.

    Thanks! :)
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