Recent content by Atzar

  1. A

    thoughts on civ vi from old-timers

    I started with Civ II, so I suppose I'm a vet at this point. I believe that VI has the potential to be the best game in the franchise. Most of the new systems, in theory, are terrific ideas that will make for a very fun, dynamic game. Civ flavors, AI agendas, districts, builders, traders...
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    So, if there's a 2nd EP in the works.. which Civs?

    The Zulu, Portugal, a Native American civ (Apache, Navajo, Mississippian, Sioux would all be candidates). There's room for a couple more African civs (Morocco has a strong case in my opinion, and I think the Meroe-era Kuhorsehockyes are both relevant enough and distinct enough from Ethiopia that they...
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    Speeding Up a Science Victory

    Thanks a lot for the feedback. A lot of really helpful comments here. My peak bpt was 1130, just before the victory. I ended up planting four academies, and once I hit public schools I stopped dropping new ones and instead hoarded GS's for the end-of-game push. I'll try another game...
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    Speeding Up a Science Victory

    Hey all. Looking for some advice on how to put a monkey on the moon faster. Fairly long game summary forthcoming... if you just want to get to the point, please fast forward to the last couple of paragraphs. I just finished a Babylon Science game. Standard size, continents, standard speed...
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    Popped a knight with Dido

    Love when this happens. Midgame 'advanced weapon' pops are awesome. I was playing an archipelago map with Carthage recently, and a Crossbowman found a ruin tucked up in the arctic. About 10 turns later, a Gatling Gun conquered the Iroquois capital with a little naval help.
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    No spain? No religions? No %? Wtf??

    Wrong. Every civ they release now is one they can't release later for more $ as DLC or an expansion.
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    Yeah, it's happened to me too. I play a lot as the Aztecs, and for whatever reason I start in/near the tundra a lot more often than I start in/near the jungle. It's happened so often that I question whether the start bias actually works - I've only started near jungle a couple of times with...
  8. A

    Why AI combat will never work in Civ 5

    As far as combat goes, in the end I'd settle for an increased interest in self-preservation. Too often the AI will simply sit an archer/warrior in a desert right in front of you and get it swatted with little cost to the human player. If you have a badly-injured unit, try to move it away...
  9. A

    Augustus Caesar's voice is a bit...

    Well, keep the time period in mind here. For awhile, legions were the premier military force in the known world - their training and tactics could adapt to almost any situation. They fought and defeated everything from elephants to pikemen to horse archers and cataphracts, all of which were...
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    My totally unbiased and definitely not paid for by 2k review

    Tomorrow, I was planning on writing up some "A Week Later: CiV Review" detailing my thoughts about the game. Instead, I'll just post here agreeing with most of what you said. Well said. In particular, I love your idea of 'immigration' as a result of unhappiness - that's an idea that I...
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    Luxury resources

    Move your cursor over the total happiness display at the very top of the screen. It will drop down and show you a detailed breakdown of the happiness/unhappiness modifiers in your civilization, including your luxuries.
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    Starting Position Bias

    Cutting straight to the chase, I think the 'biased' starting positions either don't work well or don't work at all. Before somebody asks, no, I don't have the bias turned off. I've started ~15 games on various map types of various sizes as the Aztecs. They're supposed to start in or near...
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    Unhappy with Great Wall

    It seems to me that, unless the owner of the Great Wall invests a huge sum of money into expanding the cultural borders of his border cities, that there will still be places where you can break through. The effect is nearly gamebreaking when talking about a three-hex zone between the border and...
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    agh! why does Civ V have to unlock in the afternoon on tuesday!?

    Where do you teach? I'm coming to your college and taking your class.
  15. A

    What do you guys expect/want to see for DLC?

    I hope they don't try to sell us little bits, one pebble at a time. I'd grudgingly pay for new civs if they were released individually, but ideally, I'd like to see packages released - for example, the Spanish, Inca, and Mayans, along with a Mesoamerica scenario and a corresponding map pack all...
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