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  • Dear Bernie, you don't seem to do Civilization 4 units anymore, I love your Civilization 5 models, can I convert them
    Hi tang....the "systems" to get the graphics into the game differed greatly from civ 4 to 5. The nif to gr2 was a pain in the a**. Don't know how to quote it here but there is a tutorial by @Deliverator in the civ5 tutorials called -Getting Civ 4 Units into Civ 5 - Full Conversion- good luck!!!!
    Thank you Bernie, I actually wanted to transfer the CIV5 model to CIV4 and I succeeded
    Your a modder? I need your help I'm lost on installing a certain mod you helped make it is a BTS Module file and I dunno what to do,If you can help me pm me?
    Hi hh, which mod is it? I did alot of art/graphics but im not to great with the programing stuff
    I posted your fidel LH. As i found it was not in the DB....I gave you complete credit. If this is not okay msg me back.
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