Recent content by cvb

  1. cvb

    [GS] AI exoplanet progress?

    In the appendix of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' is a link to an alveary about the most needed survival kits ... there you find: Sid Meier's Civilization VI > Workshop > FinalFreak16's Workshop: Simplified Gossip "This mod simplifies the gossip history log in the leader diplomacy view...
  2. cvb

    Changing Leader Mid-Game

    Well, That IS the question. What happens, when you create entirely new modifiers, which in worst case contradict modifier setups already applied to existing game objects? Has to be tested individually, in general I'd rather avoid such potential conflicts. I mean, Leader Attributes (if not just...
  3. cvb

    Changing Leader Mid-Game

    As written 'changing the DB mid game' does not work. At least not directly. This issue has been mentioned already: All LeeS has written is correct & true. I don't want to take issue at all with that - I just want to add my thought on a "remotely possible" solution to the given task "say a...
  4. cvb

    [GS] World Congress Resolution - Mercenary Companies, +100% cost up with production (FIXED)

    Wouldn't it be nice, if we could have a look and be sure? :) (And tell them where.) .
  5. cvb

    [NFP] Civilization VI: Possible New Civilizations Thread

    I would say, "the decision is to not release it [some of the DLL sources] as long as they can sell DLCs on a bimonthly base, unless there are new elements to consider." - ie. as long as players are willing to buy; so it is objectively difficult to say when. In the video Amanda Bonacorso spoke...
  6. cvb

    [NFP] Civilization VI: Possible New Civilizations Thread

    On the topic of the DLL & maybe grasping at straws, I still see some positive development from the old "we have not made a decision yet" ... In the Interview with Anton Strenger ( "At this time we don’t have plans to release...
  7. cvb

    [GS] Possible to embody the strategic resource used by specific civilization?

    I'd like to add that in some rare exotic cases, in which you want a very slowly (say twice in a whole game or every 36 turns) changing parameter in the Database, you can work around that limitation by stopping the game, manually editing Database-defining .xml/.sql files & reloading the game. [I...
  8. cvb

    Future Update - Speculation Thread

    Yeah, because of this they named them 'smoke', 'rising smoke', 'big smoke', 'even more smoke' & 'smoke again' ;)
  9. cvb

    How to get Ai to wipe out civs and conquer the world?

    Just to be sure: the modification I mentioned above would cover only what we humans perceive as Rules of the game - ie. would only concern what the game engine allows all players to do or not. But still a list of valid actions is no instruction on what to do, how to play. Obviously the...
  10. cvb

    How to get Ai to wipe out civs and conquer the world?

    According to The Immortal is the Persian unique Melee class unit that replaces the Swordsman, with a ranged attack (Range 2) and the ability to capture cities. "Note that, by default, the Immortal attacks in melee. This matters because the...
  11. cvb

    YnAMP - Development thread

    I do not ask for this. Seeing on the example maps always all 4 passages open, I think, it is an unfair advantage to the human player knowing he has guaranteed (or highly possible) passages without exploring a tiny bit. Also boring. It would be perfect, if every passage could have eg. a 25%...
  12. cvb

    YnAMP - Development thread

    I refer to the nice maps given above - in short: they fulfil in a great way what I want from an 'age of exploration' map! In fact, I'm curious, how they would look like by using continents instead of pangaea also for the old world (more discoveries with early ships?!) ... quite nifty to utilize...
  13. cvb

    How to get Ai to wipe out civs and conquer the world?

    If you cannot find anything in the database with the context of melee units being able to capture cities (or ranged units being unable to do so) this game mechanic is just hardcoded in the DLL. And without the release of the associated source files inaccessible to modders.
  14. cvb

    How to get Ai to wipe out civs and conquer the world?

    It would be great (& best) being able to tweak the AI itself significantly in the desired direction! Especially as it seems to turn out, that the civ6 decision-makers envisioned us being perfectly happy with the possibilities of adding alternate leaders, governors, map skins, graphical...
  15. cvb

    Easy Way to Encourage "Tall"

    I'd implement the complete extra human player bookkeeping accounting in Lua (ie. without SQL modifiers) and simply adjust the gold amount every turn - Players:GetTreasury:ChangeGoldBalance(iAmount). Also you can have (invisible to the game) large credits from Mr. Fugger, but you surely agree...
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