Recent content by dogdoo

  1. D

    About a Mac version: Some numbers from (yes) Steam

    Macs are the most reliable computers I have ever used, PCs just crash all the time. I'm sorry but thats what happened when I played on a PC. Maybe the storage system that handles all the folders or something is too large, I dont know because I'm not a computer expert. But I think there is a real...
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    i think the dll change would be beneficial to first time modders like myself who have no idea what their doing and learn as they go :)
  3. D

    History Rewritten (Original Thread)

    you are a smart person, i find it to be very unfortunate that "common intellectuals" are rare in the US and are usually found in europe. the discovery of america was a mistake, as was the creation of nuclear weapons! see how that works?
  4. D

    Comment by 'dogdoo' in media 'Extreme Diplomacy Game Mode'

    this would be the worst game mode ever
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    History Rewritten (Original Thread)

    well actually tactical nukes are smaller and produce less fallout, and when they spread fallout as far as ICBMs do its unrealistic. but that would be the dilemma of nuclear warfare wouldn't it? how to use them effectivly without endangering your own men
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    History Rewritten (Original Thread)

    i find it difficult to use tactical nuclear missiles in tactical ways due to the fallout and range. they work okay as a last resprt defence of a city when you have few troops to fight off an attack and an enemy army close enough to use them on, but offensivly they are almost useless. if you...
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    History Rewritten (Original Thread)

    i would like there to be a land unit similar to the missile cruiser in that it can carry and launch guided missles and tactical nukes
  8. D

    Patch 3.19 available

    yeah i downloaded it, id been procrastinating for a while then once i decided to get it the site was totally screwed up. thanks though
  9. D

    Patch 3.19 available

    i went to the aspyr support website and it asked for an e-mail and password yet gave no indication that it was possible to sign up for an account:confused:
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