History Rewritten (Original Thread)

I don't really play maps myself, I prefer random maps, so I'm not the best person for such a discussion. Anyone have any advice on this for Lachlan?

What I will do for 0.4 though is list which civs are available for which map as it's not always apparent.

That just means the map was originally made for Warlords. It still works fine.

I need to know which leaders and when. You mentioned Attila but I tested him and didn't see any missing text... is it coming up as something like TXT_DIPLOMACY_BLA_BLA_BLA or just appearing completely blank? Also is it happening when you first meet the leader or later?

As for 0.4 I'm going to spend some time indulging one of my favourite parts of history: the Ancient Near East. Assuming I can get enough unit art I'm going to add Assyria, Hatti and Phoenicia. I'm also going to spend some time redoing all the citylists in this region as the Firaxis supplied ones are atrocious.

After that I'm not sure yet. I might continue with tidying citylists and maybe start adding a lot of the missing pedia text. In terms of new features I'm thinking I will start messing with wonders. There is a neat mod component out there that gives a Unique National Wonder to every civ (so each civ has a UU, UB and UW). A couple civs don't have UU yet and I need to fix this. I'm going to leave the missing UBs for the moment as I will probably add a few new buildings when I rework the tech tree - probably in 0.5.

1) As for lacking diplomacy txt, it should be difficult for me to explain that because it seems to be only a few random parts, once it was blank while i first encounter the leader, once it was with a leader ask me me for a tribute with TXT_Diplomacy Bla Bla with an Ask_Tribute_Equal... so, no crash so far but it would be fully playable, it happened in very particular conditions, so, it would be very difficult to tracking these text glitches...

2) I'm glad to see your project continue, so with the manner for Civ 5 to be built, it seems that MacUsers could continue civ 4 for still long time, by the epoch where Civ 5 would be on mac, it can be in 2012, so Mayan Armageddon, but it seems to be a joke ;)
1) As for lacking diplomacy txt, it should be difficult for me to explain that because it seems to be only a few random parts, once it was blank while i first encounter the leader, once it was with a leader ask me me for a tribute with TXT_Diplomacy Bla Bla with an Ask_Tribute_Equal... so, no crash so far but it would be fully playable, it happened in very particular conditions, so, it would be very difficult to tracking these text glitches...

The best thing to do would be to take a screenshot (APPLE+SHIFT+3) when it happens and post it or send it to me. That should be enough for me to track down the problems.

2) I'm glad to see your project continue, so with the manner for Civ 5 to be built, it seems that MacUsers could continue civ 4 for still long time, by the epoch where Civ 5 would be on mac, it can be in 2012, so Mayan Armageddon, but it seems to be a joke ;)[/QUOTE]

Yeah I imagine we Mac Civ fans won't be getting Civ5 until well into next year so there's still a lot of time and possibilities for History Rewritten yet.
Just one question: If both the Isrealites and the Phoenecians are played as on a earth map, won't they be too close to eachother?
Just one question: If both the Isrealites and the Phoenecians are played as on a earth map, won't they be too close to eachother?

In real world distances they're actually further apart than many European capitals so it's no more an issue than Spain and Portugal, England and France, etc.

Don't forget too that in HR the civilizations are not fixed for a map; they can be chosen via Custom Game or they can be randomly selected via Play Now but will always appear in their realistic starting locations via either method. So, for example, you can play the same map one time with 8 civs and the next time with 8 completely different civs, either deliberately chosen or randomly picked. The choice is yours :)
I have a favour to ask of anyone here who might access to the Windows version of BTS in some form. I hope to eventually release HR to all Civ players (at the moment it's only available on these Mac forums) and spent a lot of time tweaking things in 0.3 for Windows compatiblility. Could someone try it out on Windows and see if it throws any errors?
I can't seem to load the mod. With your MacBAT mod I can just load BTS and load the mod and it switches the client all quick like. However, with HR I try to load the mod but it doesn't switch clients. It seems to try but I let it sit there for 5 minutes and the application just ends up not responding.
I can't seem to load the mod. With your MacBAT mod I can just load BTS and load the mod and it switches the client all quick like. However, with HR I try to load the mod but it doesn't switch clients. It seems to try but I let it sit there for 5 minutes and the application just ends up not responding.

HR can take a very long time to load, due to all the leader art. It can take several minutes before the loading splash even appears and during this time it looks like Civ4 is not responding when actually it's just processing everything. Unfortunately I can't pack the artfiles to speed up this process like they do on Windows. 5 minutes does seem a little long though, maybe try again after a restart of your computer.
I tried Apple + Maj + 3, i obtained only windows without the diplomacy window...
I tried Apple + Maj + 3, i obtained only windows without the diplomacy window...

Yeah I've had that happen before, though very rarely. I think it happens when you take a screenshot at the extact instant that window is refreshing. Try taking 2-3 screenshots at once, at least one of them should have it.
Thanks, i will do make three screenshot in 10 seconds...

EDIT : I tried : no success :(

Of course i can remember when that happened...

Generally in first encounter or when an AI civ, of same power than me, asks tribute to me...

If not no problem so far ;) It happens only with new leaders ;)
What are the news for 0.4 ? :mischief:
Generally in first encounter or when an AI civ, of same power than me, asks tribute to me...

This helps for sure.

If not no problem so far It happens only with new leaders

I still need to know which leaders, I need names. So far you've mentioned Attila, who else?

What are the news for 0.4 ? :mischief:

Not too much to report yet, I worked pretty solidly getting 0.3 ready for release so I'm taking it easy atm and only working on 0.4 a little bit. I'll get back into it soon though.

I've started work on adding Assyria, Hatti and Phoenicia. There's not as much unit art available as I hoped but I have the leaders done and in. I might add the Swahili to 0.4 too, see how I go.

The other facet of 0.4 is going to be a reorganization and expansion of wonders. Still very much in the planning stage though, I suspect this component is going to take quite a while.
This helps for sure.

I still need to know which leaders, I need names. So far you've mentioned Attila, who else?

1) Constantine by example... I was Babylonian...
first encountered him, no text...

Not too much to report yet, I worked pretty solidly getting 0.3 ready for release so I'm taking it easy atm and only working on 0.4 a little bit. I'll get back into it soon though.

I've started work on adding Assyria, Hatti and Phoenicia. There's not as much unit art available as I hoped but I have the leaders done and in. I might add the Swahili to 0.4 too, see how I go.

The other facet of 0.4 is going to be a reorganization and expansion of wonders. Still very much in the planning stage though, I suspect this component is going to take quite a while.

2) Nice !
Loving 0.3 content-wise this mod is shaping up to really be the kind of Mod I like best. Easily comparable to the best days of Amra's Mod and it's playable for Macs to boot!

I do have a couple bugs to throw out there tho:

Japanese Knight units appear as big red blobs. It's humorous and causes no errors that I can tell but it does kind of detract from the feel when my army of Samurai is accompanied by the giant blob people from mars :lol:

I do have one problem that I just can't figure out though and it might be Snow Leopard related although I arrived at that by guesswork. My multiplayer games are plagued with CTDs, they're not super common, probably once or twice an hour. No message and no consistent situation. I thought it might have had something to do with clicking in the minimap to move the screen but it happens other times as well with no discernible common factor. The reason I say Snow Leopard might be the culprit or the cause is just that of the 3 other people I commonly play with I'm the only one with Snow Leopard... but my feeling is that that's a coincidence but it's the only reason I can come up with for why I crash like this and they never do, stable as a rock for them.

The Knight error does not seem to be correlated to my CTDs and one of these times I'll remember to save the apple error report (if that will be of any help at all).

One more error and this may have already been reported but when spreading or founding the new religions, Olympianism and Annunaki (sp?) I get through the game messaging system Cannot find AD2_Olymp.... etc. causes no crashes and generally the error message conveys what happened anyway but it just looks a bit silly.

Oh and that upgrade error I reported earlier? I don't think it's reducing by 50%, at least not when you upgrade individual units, when you "buy bulk" so to speak you do "save more" (option + upgrade costs less over all if my calculations are correct). But really any reduction in upgrade cost is producing the advantage I wanted when picking that trait so it's a minor thing at best.

Overall like I said though 0.3 is great and if I find the time to dig out Civ4 for Windows and install it on my bootcamp I'll be sure to test it for you! Can't wait for 0.4 :goodjob:
1) Constantine by example... I was Babylonian...
first encountered him, no text...

I see the problem with Constantine, I'll have it fixed for 0.4. Keep letting me know any other leaders that you see with this issue.

Loving 0.3 content-wise this mod is shaping up to really be the kind of Mod I like best. Easily comparable to the best days of Amra's Mod and it's playable for Macs to boot!

Really glad you're enjoying it! Amra's mod was definitely an inspiration for HR.

Japanese Knight units appear as big red blobs. It's humorous and causes no errors that I can tell but it does kind of detract from the feel when my army of Samurai is accompanied by the giant blob people from mars :lol:

This happens if the path or filename is wrong for a unit. Easily fixed, I've attached a file that will rescue the poor Japanese Knights from the red blobs of doom. It goes in /History Rewritten/Assets/Modules/Civilizations/Japan/, just replace the existing file that's there.

I do have one problem that I just can't figure out though and it might be Snow Leopard related although I arrived at that by guesswork. My multiplayer games are plagued with CTDs, they're not super common, probably once or twice an hour. No message and no consistent situation. I thought it might have had something to do with clicking in the minimap to move the screen but it happens other times as well with no discernible common factor. The reason I say Snow Leopard might be the culprit or the cause is just that of the 3 other people I commonly play with I'm the only one with Snow Leopard... but my feeling is that that's a coincidence but it's the only reason I can come up with for why I crash like this and they never do, stable as a rock for them.

I'm running Snow Leopard myself so if it's a factor I can test it. However it's much more likely that it's related to your choice of civilization/religion etc. The only crash I'm aware of so far is the one caused by Jayavarman - do you have that fix installed? It's available in the first post.

If it's not that then please post the crash report(s) and let me know what civilization you are playing and what era you are in. That will help me isolate the issue.

One more error and this may have already been reported but when spreading or founding the new religions, Olympianism and Annunaki (sp?) I get through the game messaging system Cannot find AD2_Olymp.... etc. causes no crashes and generally the error message conveys what happened anyway but it just looks a bit silly.

I never added sounds and music to the new religions when I added them and that's what's causing this message. I keep forgetting to go back and do it, thanks for the reminder :)

Oh and that upgrade error I reported earlier? I don't think it's reducing by 50%, at least not when you upgrade individual units, when you "buy bulk" so to speak you do "save more" (option + upgrade costs less over all if my calculations are correct). But really any reduction in upgrade cost is producing the advantage I wanted when picking that trait so it's a minor thing at best.

I borrowed that bit of code from elsewhere so I'll have a look at it and see if I can figure out what's going on.

Thanks heaps for this, I really appreciate any and all bug reports!


  • Japanese Knight fix.zip
    2.5 KB · Views: 111
@ Xyth : what about fictive worlds like Ban Tasi Fantasy world ?

More variety should welcome because fictive worlds should lead to particular settings...

Secondly what about including Carter's Earth Map, and placing the right places for all civs of your mod ?

I'm suspecting that all provided maps should have setted for the component which make the starts not random... If not it will be an error script... at launching of this map...

What are the news of 0.4 ?
What do you planned ?
@ Xyth : what about fictive worlds like Ban Tasi Fantasy world ?

More variety should welcome because fictive worlds should lead to particular settings...

Secondly what about including Carter's Earth Map, and placing the right places for all civs of your mod ?

I'm suspecting that all provided maps should have setted for the component which make the starts not random... If not it will be an error script... at launching of this map...

The component should let any other map work, no error will be thrown. At this stage adding more maps is not a priority though if The J adds some more to Starting Points then I will add them for sure.

What are the news of 0.4 ?
What do you planned ?

I answered this a couple days ago.
The component should let any other map work, no error will be thrown. At this stage adding more maps is not a priority though if The J adds some more to Starting Points then I will add them for sure.

I answered this a couple days ago.

I asked to The_J for adding Carter's Earth for 18 Civs, this with no .dll :goodjob:
With real starting positions...
I asked to The_J for adding Carter's Earth for 18 Civs, this with no .dll
With real starting positions...

Cool. If he makes it I'll definitely add it to 0.4.

i would like there to be a land unit similar to the missile cruiser in that it can carry and launch guided missles and tactical nukes

That would be pretty cool. I admit I have given very little thought so far to the modern and future eras but I will definitely add more to these at some point.
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