History Rewritten (Original Thread)

Good news for you : Carter's Earth for 18 Civs will be included in starting points of The J ;)

So, certain civs which couldn't start with too much near civs like Portugal and Spain or Babylon, Israel and Sumeria (and probably Assyria and Hatti and Phoenicia) or Maya and Aztec, will can start on this beautiful map that Carter's Earth is...
i find it difficult to use tactical nuclear missiles in tactical ways due to the fallout and range. they work okay as a last resprt defence of a city when you have few troops to fight off an attack and an enemy army close enough to use them on, but offensivly they are almost useless. if you could change the tactical nukes to only produce fallout in the square they detonate in i would be very greatfull and i think it would add to their usefullnes in combat
It would not be realistic to use tactical nukes so easily ;)
well actually tactical nukes are smaller and produce less fallout, and when they spread fallout as far as ICBMs do its unrealistic. but that would be the dilemma of nuclear warfare wouldn't it? how to use them effectivly without endangering your own men
well actually tactical nukes are smaller and produce less fallout, and when they spread fallout as far as ICBMs do its unrealistic. but that would be the dilemma of nuclear warfare wouldn't it? how to use them effectivly without endangering your own men

But, nuke is an weapon with both side effects, this weapon kill enemies and allies as well...

Why, by hell, would you like that Nuke Weapons killing only your enemies, and leaving quiet you and your allies ?

You should read Malevil, The Road, or other book of same type, you could understand better why Nuke weapons are not second zone weapons, do you know if, in the Reality, the Earth got nuked in by example in middle eastern regions (Israel and others countries of this zone) or in Iran, collateral effects will be also at long term for Europeans, Africans, Asians or in more long term of time, also you, the Americans ?

Because in Middle Ages, Man had the false idea that the world was infinite or finite, with enormous distances between countries...

After, you can see, we can travel from through North Italia to Venezia by motorized car in a matter of 5-6 hours West to East, do you could continue to believe that the Earth is very big ?

We will can, one day, to make a London (UK) - Sydney (Australia) by airplane in TWO hours, it exists a current american project for doing that...

I dont want to offense you, but Nuke Weapons should be used after only all the others possibilities...

Or, if you want in game options of Civ IV BTS, you can keep cities from being razed ;)
you are a smart person, i find it to be very unfortunate that "common intellectuals" are rare in the US and are usually found in europe. the discovery of america was a mistake, as was the creation of nuclear weapons! see how that works?
You two really don't want to get me started on the nuclear issue... remember that I'm a New Zealander, the only country in the world that has anti-nuclear legislation. As far as I'm concerned it is the ultimate in arrogance and hypocrisy for countries like the U.S, France, Russia, China, etc to even suggest that countries like Iran should be punished for trying to build a nuclear weapons program. "We can have them, but no one else is allowed them" is pure bullcrap, as is the ridiculous belief that nukes can somehow be used as 'defense'.

In my rather strong opinion ALL countries that have actual nuclear weapons should be considered rogue states and banned from the UN and all global economic activity. Sadly not feasible though.

Anyway, as far as nukes in Civ go, I'm not focusing on the modern era yet so I'll leave them as is for now. Besides, as you can see from my rant just now, you probably don't want me messing with them hehe :)
As far as I'm concerned, I would like to see nukes modded out of CIV! I always try to get the UN in my games so I can ban nukes.
I too don't much like nukes... makes me queasy to use them for some reason. I mean I know the other units in enough force can do the same damage but they don't have that...devastation in a flash kind of quality. and that's just in civ. I detest nuclear weapons in reality.

But if the mods' premise is to have the capacity to rewrite history.... hard to exclude nukes.

Anyway, Xyth, here's a copy of the relevant (I think) part of the Mac Crash report:

Spoiler :
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0xffff0bb7 __memcpy + 1047
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c3506f fread + 132
2 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x0008e689 mmioRead + 47
3 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x0000441b CWaveFile::LoadFile(char*) + 669
4 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x0000660f Miles::SampleOpenAL::AttachFile(char const*, _STREAM*, _SAMPLE*) + 93
5 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00003883 AIL_open_stream + 353
6 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x0062ebaf FAudioSystemMiles::InitSoundHandle(FAudioSystem::ESoundType, void*, unsigned long, bool) + 523
7 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00623818 FAudioManager::Load2DStream(FSharedSoundData*, FStringA*, int) + 202
8 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x006324a8 FSharedSoundData::Load(int, ESoundLoadType, int, FStringA*, bool, bool) + 1154
9 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x006251fe FAudioManager::AcquireLoadedBuffer(int, int&, bool, bool) + 220
10 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00634112 FSound::DoLoad(FStringA*) + 418
11 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00633d6c FSound::Load(FStringA*) + 64
12 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x0062596e FAudioManager::DoSound(int, bool, float, float, int, int, bool, bool, bool, bool) + 878
13 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x006389e6 FSoundScape::Init(int, float) + 180
14 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x006223f6 FAudioManager::DoSoundscape(int, float, float) + 94
15 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00a961a0 CvAudioGame::DoSoundscape(int, float, float) + 120
16 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00b435df CvInterface::playSelectionSound(int) + 73
17 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00b49ade CvInterface::updateSelectionSound() + 152
18 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00b4bb8c CvInterface::redraw() + 570
19 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00a91fa3 CvApp::OnIdle() + 1481
20 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x0066ea41 FWinApp::Run() + 31
21 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00b1ee52 WinMain + 50
22 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x000a7f99 sEventLoopEventHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 111
23 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x9307e0a9 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1567
24 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x9307d370 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 411
25 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x9307d1cf SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 58
26 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x930b1d10 ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 3006
27 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x9307e4fa DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 2672
28 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x9307d370 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 411
29 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x9309fb55 SendEventToEventTarget + 52
30 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x93228df7 ToolboxEventDispatcher + 86
31 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x93228f2f RunApplicationEventLoop + 243
32 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x000a8052 InstallEventsAndRunGameLoop() + 166
33 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x000a83ea main + 356
34 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00002642 _start + 216
35 com.aspyr.civ4bts 0x00002569 start + 41

Hopefully that helps because it's just getting worse and worse it seems. Didn't really happen until v3, at least not this frequently...
All i want is to survive :mischief:

I learned to dont stop the game if i'm become a dwarf nation ;)

The game is more fun if you have to survive until the end by a victory... by AI or Human... I was not very lucky...

Funny game so far...

1988 AD in Quick speed...


  • Genghis_Khan_Xyth_03_Mod.CivBeyondSwordSave
    782 KB · Views: 76
Anyway, Xyth, here's a copy of the relevant (I think) part of the Mac Crash report:

Hopefully that helps because it's just getting worse and worse it seems. Didn't really happen until v3, at least not this frequently...

That seems to be an audio related crash. I've not added any new audio at all to the mod yet but maybe it's trying to find something and it can't. Other than the religions every thing in HR should be using standard BTS sounds and music. I'll definitely fix up the religions for 0.4 and double check everything audio related and see if that clears it up.

Do you usually play the same civ and/or leader in your games? Or do any of the people you play with have regular ones?
That seems to be an audio related crash. I've not added any new audio at all to the mod yet but maybe it's trying to find something and it can't. Other than the religions every thing in HR should be using standard BTS sounds and music. I'll definitely fix up the religions for 0.4 and double check everything audio related and see if that clears it up.

Do you usually play the same civ and/or leader in your games? Or do any of the people you play with have regular ones?

My tendencies occur often playing European countries, Middle Eastern countries a few less, African civilizations, rarely. Played often Mongolians or Tibetan but very rarely Chinese or India, i like a few Persia, Polynesia or Israel never played, but i'm tempted also by Nubia and Carthage...

In fact i have difficulty to play civs with not very favorable climate background...

I suggest to modify just necessary the terrains types...

Why deserts have not production, or oceans too ?

Why not a city building which give food, production or commerce to different terrains ?

Why not the possibility to have "desert cities" with a city building who give +1 food and +1 prod to deserts tiles, "artic cities" with +1 food to snow terrain and tundra terrain and +1 prod to tundra terrain ? same thing with "forest cities", "plains cities", "grassland cities", "river cities", or "coastal cities", "or "hills cities" ? what about make mountains passable for permitting "moutain cities"...

Of course, these special building should be the basis for other buildings...

If we have a tree of technologies, why not a tree of buildings depending of the basis terrain where the city was constructed ?

What about conditioning certains building with the need of a certain ressource ?

Good luck if it was eventually possible without .dll ;)
The European map with the settled capitols is really good and goes well together with the religious manifold of your mod. The latter causes many more factions than usual, decreases the probability of two monolithic religious blocks and makes for a very rich diplomatic situation with a lot of religious animosities and therefore wars, which relaxes the tech speed on higher difficulties a bit.

And one thing I love about this mod is finding myself sending spies with no other mission than recon what, for example, the Hungarians look like in a certain era:).
That seems to be an audio related crash. I've not added any new audio at all to the mod yet but maybe it's trying to find something and it can't. Other than the religions every thing in HR should be using standard BTS sounds and music. I'll definitely fix up the religions for 0.4 and double check everything audio related and see if that clears it up.

Do you usually play the same civ and/or leader in your games? Or do any of the people you play with have regular ones?

FWIW, I have been getting crashes of CIV in both Vanilla and BTS now and then, since I first started playing. They have always been audio related. They usually occur after the game play has gone on a while and is using more computer resources. The only mod I am using is BUG. This has not changed from before I started using BUG. I think there may be an inherent audio instability buried somewhere in the CIV Mac code that is brought out by heavy memory use.
That seems to be an audio related crash. I've not added any new audio at all to the mod yet but maybe it's trying to find something and it can't. Other than the religions every thing in HR should be using standard BTS sounds and music. I'll definitely fix up the religions for 0.4 and double check everything audio related and see if that clears it up.

Do you usually play the same civ and/or leader in your games? Or do any of the people you play with have regular ones?

Not that I can tell, and the crash has yet to occur with any leaderheads on screen. Often it's preceded by a FATAL_ERROR std::malloc bad allocation etc. error in game. The error reports I've gotten since haven't been audio related so at this point I'm pretty sure it's some kind of memory issue independent of the mod itself. The bigger the game the more likely it happens so I'm guessing all the stuff the mod adds just exacerbates an existing memory issue. Which is odd considering of the people I play with I have the most RAM, Snow Leopard and the most up to date computer...
I suggest to modify just necessary the terrains types...

Why deserts have not production, or oceans too ?

Why not a city building which give food, production or commerce to different terrains ?

Changing the default yield of terrain has potential to change the balance of the game quite considerably. I can see why it might be desirable on designed maps but it could really mess things up on random maps. Making changes via buildings and/or resources could be interesting though. I'd like to look at it eventually, but I've got a lot to do before then.

The European map with the settled capitols is really good and goes well together with the religious manifold of your mod. The latter causes many more factions than usual, decreases the probability of two monolithic religious blocks and makes for a very rich diplomatic situation with a lot of religious animosities and therefore wars, which relaxes the tech speed on higher difficulties a bit.

And one thing I love about this mod is finding myself sending spies with no other mission than recon what, for example, the Hungarians look like in a certain era:).

Thanks for the feedback! Makes me happy to hear people are finding the mod balanced and enjoyable.

FWIW, I have been getting crashes of CIV in both Vanilla and BTS now and then, since I first started playing. They have always been audio related. They usually occur after the game play has gone on a while and is using more computer resources. The only mod I am using is BUG. This has not changed from before I started using BUG. I think there may be an inherent audio instability buried somewhere in the CIV Mac code that is brought out by heavy memory use.

I've noticed this too. Sometimes when the game is slowing down you can see an endless stream of audio/memory errors in Console. This happens without mods too.

Not that I can tell, and the crash has yet to occur with any leaderheads on screen. Often it's preceded by a FATAL_ERROR std::malloc bad allocation etc. error in game. The error reports I've gotten since haven't been audio related so at this point I'm pretty sure it's some kind of memory issue independent of the mod itself. The bigger the game the more likely it happens so I'm guessing all the stuff the mod adds just exacerbates an existing memory issue. Which is odd considering of the people I play with I have the most RAM, Snow Leopard and the most up to date computer...

That does sound like a memory related issue. I have 3GB on a 2007 MBP, so if you have that or more then it might be worth doing a memory test of some sort.

EDIT: Something just occured to me: are you using Ventrillo or anything similar during your multiplayer games? I sometimes use Ventrillo with a USB headset (for World of Warcraft) and found that one or the other can do horrible things to memory/audio. Ventrillo has had some pretty bad memory leaks for ages now and there is definitely something wrong with USB audio on some Macs.
For version 0.4, if there are any new leaders being added, maybe I could work on one or two of their ai's?

Most certainly! At the moment the new leaders going into 0.4 are:

*Shamshi-Adad (Ent/Imp)
*Shammuramat (Dip/Fin)
*Ashurbanipal (Org/Tac)

*Hattusili (Ent/Prt)
Suppiluliuma (Dip/Tac)

Hiram (Ent/Exp)

*Shehe Mvita (Ent/Phi)
*Abu'l Mawahib (Ent/Org)

The ones with a * in front of them are ones that I haven't got personalities for yet, so feel free to have a go at some of those. There are also a bunch of leaders already in that could really used more appropriate personalities too, if they appeal to you more:

Djoser of Egypt
El Cid of Spain
Herod of Israel
Jimmu of Japan
Le Loi of Vietnam
Lobsang Gyatso of Tibet
Tin Hinan of the Berber

At the moment these are largely copies of other leaders with a few tweaks at most. The vast majority of AI's I borrow from other mods as I'm not that proficient at creating them myself.
Here a really good current game with Mongolia, i'm the most powerful civilization in this Earth, i have more than 20 cities, while the others have a max of 10 cities...

I recognize i'm play in Warlord level with aggressive AI i believe and raging barbarians... No brokering techs...


  • Genghis_Khan_Xyth_03_Mod.CivBeyondSwordSave
    865.4 KB · Views: 56
The latest version (0.3) will not load for me. When I select it and the app restarts, nothing happens. I have to force-quit the app.
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