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  • The links to your Persia, Iran, and Axis of Evil modules are dead. I think a few other mods might be dead too.
    Yeah, not too bad. Still at school. Got my exams coming up in a few weeks and then it's off to uni in the autumn. I haven't touched Civ for months! Haha.
    late?? lol!! Yeah time will do that to you my friend hope you still do leader heads. As for me I've been alright. I play CIV 4 now and then whenever I get free time. I haven't really payed much to CIV 5 since I think it's not as good ={
    Eh.. I'm six months late. Is that okay? xD Things have been hectic, and I've kinda fallen out of a lot of hobbies, which is a shame. How about you?
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