Recent content by gogoK

  1. G

    More Increases in Player Participation

    ohhhh, now I see - it is untill GOTM20, Spain is that it? That should explain it all...
  2. G

    More Increases in Player Participation

    Hello guys, Not that I am an egocentric but howcome I can not find myself in the players roster? I think that I have already (including the April GOTM30) submited at least five or six games. :crazyeye:
  3. G

    GOTM 30 Saves Now Available

    :crazyeye: ... This is EVIL!!! ... I just stared and stared and stared on that starting position like for I don't remember how long... I will try to do my best, tho... Even if it looks like a no win situation with those slight last minute changes. hmmm... :lol:
  4. G

    GOTM26-Asian Melee Pregame Discussion

    That is not necessarily true, you can get a leader, but sometime you don't get one trough the whole game no matter how hard you try. For example in my mongolian game after so many wars and so many elite forces sent in combat with the hope of getting a leader, I got my first and ONLY one around...
  5. G

    GOTM26-Asian Melee Pregame Discussion

    Well 10 or 15 turns is not so much actually. You will still have a big advantage, as you CANNOT have a second settler in ten turns in a normal one-starting-settler game. Furthermore, the closer to the capital, the better, even if there is an ocean five or ten tiles away from the starting spot of...
  6. G

    GOTM26-Asian Melee Pregame Discussion

    Hmm, Cybergogo, that actually sounds like an interesting topic to discuss... I was worried also about the grim prospects of the use of an useless nonproductive and corrupted city far away from the capital... I do not see any reason for keeping a territory so far away, especially in early...
  7. G

    Gotm25-Mongols Pregame Discussion

    Forgot to say that am playing PTW 1.27f
  8. G

    Gotm25-Mongols Pregame Discussion

    I have a problem with a missing (so called) Anda Awordsman, yes, "Awordsman", probably a typpo, furthermore, after i copied the folder "Anda Swordsman" and renamed it (together with the .ini file in it) the Awordsman-way, and tried again to build an "Awordsman", there where more missing files...
  9. G

    *Spoiler* Mongols Halloween Treat

    OK, I saw the might of the horse riders and I am ready for the real deal. God give me strenght to wait for the GOTM25 for some 5 or 6 more hours... Actually, the main course of the game will not differ from my usual ways of playing the Game. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. GL. GA. Attack the...
  10. G

    Mongols Halloween Treat Game - Gotm25 Prequel

    I have actually resolved the mentioned problem by copying another .pcx file and naming it ottoman...pcx, the game loaded further and stopped again with another missing file. This time it was too long to memorize and it was related to the turghaut cavalry folder... Am asking too - is anybody...
  11. G

    Mongols Halloween Treat Game - Gotm25 Prequel

    Am I the onmy one that is getting the "Missing File ottoman_crest_all.pcx" message?:confused:
  12. G

    AI offered traids

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