Recent content by Joesocwork

  1. J

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    The Civilopedia says that a settlement's preferred good can be found on the settlement's info panel after you speak w/ the chief. However, no matter where I scroll or place my cursor, I've not been able to locate it. Any ideas how to find it? Thanks.
  2. J

    Baba Yetu

    Well I'm glad no one would ever ask to have my son's version recorded! :p
  3. J

    Baba Yetu

    My 10 y.o. son with autism likes to sing it too. When I play the game he also comes up and says time to play "The Grey Elephant". I presume he's talking about the ivory resource animation. :cool:
  4. J

    Electronic Arts Finally Gives Up Bid for Take-Two Interactive

    I wouldn't say for no obvious reason, but past history with other games suggest that they are capable of ignoring the desires of "hard core" fans and changing games in order to attract a less involved fanbase. You could go to, SimCity4Devotion,, or PegProd or...
  5. J

    Electronic Arts Finally Gives Up Bid for Take-Two Interactive

    I don't know what EA Games's actions will mean for any of the Firaxis or Sid Meier works. But I am highly displeased what they did to the Sim City franchise, farming it out to a mediocre software company that had little concept of what the game was about or how to implement its play. I'm not...
  6. J

    The most boring/cool age

    I enjoy the very beginning of the game the best. I think of it as the "discovery" phase when I'm looking for resources and other civ's and everything has fresh feel to it. The music is also the coolest then, and war, if I decide to go there, can be the most fun then. The beginning is what...
  7. J

    Earlier Versions of Colonization

    There have been many responses in many threads that have people state they love SMAC and encourage others to play it. I decided to join the bandwagon by downloading it from a recent PC Gamer disk. I found the mechanics of the game to be great, but the graphics rather disappointing, albeit I...
  8. J

    1000 Clues You Play Civ IV Too Much

    423. You recognize someone at church (or wherever, it happened to be church for me), dressed in a sharply tailored taupe suit and blue shirt as resembling the Corporation avatar. ... and you almost tell them about it! :p
  9. J

    Ever tried playing Civ after drinking too much??

    ^I would think that the P*** factor would be another drawback to playing the game fully loaded.:mischief:
  10. J

    At what point do you just give up?

    Sorry to admit it but I replay turns until I get what I want! :p
  11. J

    Ever tried playing Civ after drinking too much??

    Never drank and civved. Now playing all night before discovering I have an hour before I have to wake up and go to work on the otherhand...
  12. J

    Who wants a " No negative events " option.

    I think it would an interesting Settler or Chieftain precondition, with progressively more intense events happening with more difficult settings.
  13. J

    Would you attend CivCon 2009?

    I'd have to show you on map, but geographically Baltimore is 4 hours from everywhere! (at least on my Civ map...) :p
  14. J

    Sid Speaks -- PolyCast Episode 50: "That's What The Tank Said to the Spearman"

    Yes, I've lurked in the fandom for a long time but only became active about six weeks. Your PolyCast was a nice find. I'd say it was the excessive giggling. Some of it had an anxious quality to it. But that was certainly understandable. Your voices were clear and distinct. I'd...
  15. J

    1000 Clues You Play Civ IV Too Much

    405. You keep hitting the snooze bar on your alarm clock, groggily thinking to yourself, "Just...One...More...Turn..."!
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