You missed a big point guys. You, have a brain, and are able to plan ahead, which makes the events for you far, far outweigh the events for the ais. This is because the ai never has any spare cash, it spend everything it has on upgrades and science/espionage etc. It doesn't even generally have enough to spread any corporation it founds. It just purely plays for that turn. And then the next turn.
So many of the positive events, allow a huge bonus, if you have a medium lump of gold in reserve. Think, Free Generals, Free Academies, -25% Inflation, Free Great People.
The bad events can also be often mitigated, by spending a little cash. You, as the player can (and generally should) keep some cash in reserve for positive and negative events. The ai doesn't and suffers badly for it.
Yes some bad events (with nasty timing) can be almost game changing. But why not? Having a couple of gold laden hills in your starting cross, plus say corn to feed the gold miners, is like playing a lvl or 2 lower than you actually are (think about it)...Egypt or Persia popping Horses in their starting cross (and having a conquer lust, try random personalties), will almost guarantee a metal free neighbour is soon to be on a swift voyage down the swanee....
Events, for me, add color and character to the game. Sometimes frustrating, sometimes making you grin like a Cheshire Cat....and if you don't like random events, there is a little box which you can tick marked "No Random Events"...