Who wants a " No negative events " option.

Bad luck happens. Be it losing a 99.9% odds battle where the other guy doesn't take any damage at all, or negative events, it's just part of the game. Potentially major annoyances they can be, they still make the game interesting. If everything were to go your way all the time, the game would become boring. The negative events make you appreciate the good ones all the more.
You missed a big point guys. You, have a brain, and are able to plan ahead, which makes the events for you far, far outweigh the events for the ais. This is because the ai never has any spare cash, it spend everything it has on upgrades and science/espionage etc. It doesn't even generally have enough to spread any corporation it founds. It just purely plays for that turn. And then the next turn.

So many of the positive events, allow a huge bonus, if you have a medium lump of gold in reserve. Think, Free Generals, Free Academies, -25% Inflation, Free Great People.
The bad events can also be often mitigated, by spending a little cash. You, as the player can (and generally should) keep some cash in reserve for positive and negative events. The ai doesn't and suffers badly for it.

Yes some bad events (with nasty timing) can be almost game changing. But why not? Having a couple of gold laden hills in your starting cross, plus say corn to feed the gold miners, is like playing a lvl or 2 lower than you actually are (think about it)...Egypt or Persia popping Horses in their starting cross (and having a conquer lust, try random personalties), will almost guarantee a metal free neighbour is soon to be on a swift voyage down the swanee....

Events, for me, add color and character to the game. Sometimes frustrating, sometimes making you grin like a Cheshire Cat....and if you don't like random events, there is a little box which you can tick marked "No Random Events"...;)
Yeah, well, Like you said, No AI has ever been coded so far to have a viable long term strategy.
Genv [FP];7117674 said:
I do.

Anyone else?

No. It takes away from realism of the game. It also is flat unbalanced. A hurricane isn't that bad. If the city was worth half it's beans it could rebuild 2 or 3 buildings lost within 15 turns on normal speed.
No. It takes away from realism of the game. It also is flat unbalanced. A hurricane isn't that bad. If the city was worth half it's beans it could rebuild 2 or 3 buildings lost within 15 turns on normal speed.

What if that city is critical to my sucess, is my military production city, get it's barracks, granary and farms destroyed, and I'm playing on epic speed.

Exit to main menu followed quickly after that.
Genv [FP];7124244 said:
What if that city is critical to my sucess, is my military production city, get it's barracks, granary and farms destroyed, and I'm playing on epic speed.

Exit to main menu followed quickly after that.

Are you serious? That is the dumbest reason to quit a game.
A hurricane won't destroy all your farms and a granary and barracks can be rebuilt quickly.
Are you serious? That is the dumbest reason to quit a game.
A hurricane won't destroy all your farms and a granary and barracks can be rebuilt quickly.

Agreed, anyone who quits or reloads every time a bad event happens should probably switch random events off - quite frankly if your going to do that you might as well just enter world builder and put building x/improvement x back (it would be quicker).

The option to have just good events is also not a good idea IMHO as they are there to add more challenge and interest for the human players primarily. I sometimes find them annoying, but the game would be less interesting without them and I'm glad they are there.
I do not. The elements of the game are about balance, not bonus. The events add an interesting flavor of history

Yes. Because when you are playing OCC game, having your farm destroyed/mine collapsed every 10 turns is sooo balanced. For some reason, the +1hammer/food/gold event on plot does not repeat.
Random events suck, but not as bad as hearing that war horn go off. Sometimes nothing is more random than that.

I do like my negative events though. They add a different aspect and challenge to the game.
The whole point of random events is that they're random. So for me, the idea of saying, "Yea! random events! ... but only ones that'll help me" is a bit silly. On a gameplay level, the negative events are the risks you incur to access the positive ones.

If you think the cons of the negatives outweigh the pros of the positive, then just turn events off entirely.
I might be in a minority, but there should also be a dark age to balance out a golden age. IE: lose city in war or fail to build x world wonder could trigger a dark age of (-25% commerce per turn, -25% hammers per turn for standard number of turns).

random events should just be that, random.
Perfxion, you are in deed a minority: if you have Civ IV manual ( the one that cames with vanilla ) read what soren says about golden ages.....

If you don't have that manual in hand
Spoiler :
The concept of golden age in Civ series came from a attemp of putting a Dark Age in Civ III, that was extremely bad received by the testers. So they decided to reverse it :lol:

about events.....

I kind of like the balance of bad/good events , but I have to reckon that it is the only thing in Civ IV that gives a bad effect, a thing that the designers avoided at all cost in the rest of the areas ( Have you already noticed that civics have no bad effects on yourself? ).......

And of course, Vedic Aryans is badly implemented, and by some strange reason , the same mine collapses 11 times......
the problem is anything remotely "bad" is taken out, so it makes no sense to keep only anything in that is "good".

But it is odd that you can have like 5042 possible golden ages in a game, yet zero dark ages.
Well, you can't have more that ( IIRC ) 9 GA ( 6 from GP, 1 from Taj mahal and 2 from events ( this one is the tricky.... I'm quoting from memory ) ) :p

But I got your point.... but most of the gamers simply don't want to deal with random ( or not ) bad things happening to them. I can't even start to imagine the :gripe: about the game if it had dark ages, when we have atleast one complaint per week that some kind of obsolete weaponry should not be able to win to a more advanced one ever ( not even a smallish change ... never )........
Although they occur at random times, they happen frequently enough that someone running slavery should expect them. It's an important part of game balance. Otherwise, slavery is just too good.

Now hurricanes on the other hand--there's nothing you can really do about them so they don't really affect the strategy of the game.
If plague or dark ages were in the game I'd deal with it. Of course I'd like to see it a dark age be more accurate, with advancing snow causing barb migration, etc.

What I would like to see happen with natural disasters such as hurricanes , etc. would be what happens with the famine- an opportunity for one civ to donate resources to another and improve relations. Maybe it wouldn't occur until printing press or mass media, but I would like to see it .
Genv [FP];7124244 said:
What if that city is critical to my sucess, is my military production city, get it's barracks, granary and farms destroyed, and I'm playing on epic speed.

Exit to main menu followed quickly after that.

Someone needs to man up in him games and stop playing like a 7 year old. I bet you flip the checkers board when someone else says 'King Me'.
I think it would an interesting Settler or Chieftain precondition, with progressively more intense events happening with more difficult settings.
one game, (monarch) i had 8 slave revolts within a 30 turn period, a tornado and a hurricane on my coastal capital.

One other monarch game, i had a settler walking over to build a city near one i had razed - which had crab on the shore. the turn before i settle, i get the corporate expansion and the settler completed it for me. Within a few turns, my biggest thread, the AP owning Lincoln, was smashed by a travesty: a volcano destroyed the city!!

whew, i have had some fun and annoying times, and recoveries.

I also agree that its better to have all negatives. if theres 6 AI and me, and 12 negative events happen, and we each get 2 of them, the AI actually got hit 10 times, and i got hit 2 times.
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