1000 Clues You Play Civ IV Too Much

394. You look in your browser history, and discover that the only website you have visited in the past two weeks has been CFC.

395. You wonder what Senator Obama’s leader traits will be if he becomes president.

396. You wonder why Las Vegas has such a large population when it was founded in the middle of a desert with no food resources nearby.

397. You buy an extra battery for your laptop so that you can play civ longer. (Guilty)

398. You take the train to work because you think you can get there 10 times faster that way.

399. You fail your history class because you keep arguing with the teacher about world history.

400. You join an online dating service, and say, “looking for a girl who loves to play civ.”

401. You prepare to axe rush your neighbor when you see he has a new grill in his back yard.
394. You look in your browser history, and discover that the only website you have visited in the past two weeks has been CFC.

395. You wonder what Senator Osama’s leader traits will be if he becomes president.

396. You wonder why Las Vegas has such a large population when it was founded in the middle of a desert with no food resources nearby.

397. You buy an extra battery for your laptop so that you can play civ longer. (Guilty)

398. You take the train to work because you think you can get there 10 times faster that way.

399. You fail your history class because you keep arguing with the teacher about world history.

400. You join an online dating service, and say, “looking for a girl who loves to play civ.”

401. You prepare to axe rush your neighbor when you see he has a new grill in his back yard.

It's Obama not Osama.

402. You just got Warlords or BTS & try to let your co-workers/fellow CivFanatics/classmates/friends be jealous of you.:p
Spoiler :
Just got Warlords!!!!:p

403. For the past 402 clues, you haved kept an eye on this thread as long as you can remember.
404. You can't access the CivFanatics website because of an 404 HTML error & you got a temper tantrum but your tantrum has cooled down when you play
405. You keep hitting the snooze bar on your alarm clock, groggily thinking to yourself, "Just...One...More...Turn..."!
San Salvador is present day Watling Island. Research that on Wikipedia.

386. Your computer rans out of memory because of all the saved games you saved.
387. When you watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, you question yourself, Where are the Zulus? Where are the Mayans? And why isn't Mao Zedong bringing the opening ceremony speech?????

I was pinging you for Misspelling "Salvador" as "Slavador" when you were pinging the other poster for bad spelling. Should have been more direct with my humor I suppose. :crazyeye:
406. You are driving down the Autobahn and see a beautiful German Town in a valley and huge brown hill rising up behind it and the first thought in your mind is, wow that is really pretty but if they would have settled on the plains hill they would have gotten much better production to get that worker out faster.
407. You wonder why China's trying to cover up on its human rights abuses, after all it never affects foreign relations.
#409. You put diplo music on your iPod.
#411. You spend years travelling just a few tiles.
412.) you think that soldiers never get old or die of natural causes because they can only die in combat
413.) you deny the existence of any city/country/building/military unit/world leader that isnt in civ
414.) you think that the reason Russia invaded Georgia was to prove president Dmitri Medgedev (spelling?) is a warmonger
415.) you don't believe 414 and instead think that Russia was seeing if Georgia's spears were any good
415. You abandon Civ3. Not only have you played Civ4 too much, you are crazy.
416. When you smash your screen with your keyboard because your turn counter just finished and you were second in scores.
418. When your main source of news is the CFC OT section
419, When your main source of news is the Event Log in Civ
420. If you're building something, and your friend builds it first, you expect it to turn into a pile of gold.
422. You wonder why everyone is so worked up about possible human rights abuses in Tibet, after all they can only be a Minor Nation at best in which case everyone is at war with them anyways
423. You recognize someone at church (or wherever, it happened to be church for me), dressed in a sharply tailored taupe suit and blue shirt as resembling the Corporation avatar. ... and you almost tell them about it! :p
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