Recent content by Joezumah

  1. J

    April 2021 Update - Patch Notes Discussion

    Barely addressed the AI...sad face.
  2. J

    Looks like Civ 6 is done: Kevin called April "final game update"

    So true. There exists no “tension” in the game. I remember in CivIV having to worry about keeping my other neighbors happy when I would start a war because I would get crushed if there was a second war on another front. Civ6 is fun, but you just click until you win or not, there is no tension at all
  3. J

    Info on next patch coming next week

    Please make the AI better.
  4. J

    What after the New Frontier Pass - the end or more

    I’ve recently just been losing interest in games mid/late game. It just feels like there is no tension, no reason to keep clicking other than to say I’ve completed the game/won. Whichever way they go regarding 6 or 7 doesn’t really matter to me, they just need to try some new things to give the...
  5. J

    RIP Oracle

    Wonder Power alternative game mode actually sounds pretty sweet. I would play that.
  6. J

    New patch AI better?

    I’ve been pleased that the AI has improved a little bit with each monthly NFP release. Haven’t been able to play the October update yet, but read the patch notes. Any noticeable/significant improvement?
  7. J

    [NFP] Ethiopia Update Discussion Thread

    Changes seem cool. Looking forward to them. I’m just a little confused why they’re focused on adding things like secret societies and implementing them in a way no one asked for. And all the while ignoring calls to implement things that people have asked for over and over again, like civil war...
  8. J

    Future Update - Speculation Thread

    Joke. But thanks for reverse mansplaining!
  9. J

    Future Update - Speculation Thread

    TM = this month? this May? this millenia? Let’s hope another depot name clarifies it soon.
  10. J

    [R&F] memory leak making game unplayable

    Game truly is unplayable on Mac. Needs to be fixed. 10-20 turns in gets slow then crashes to desktop. Tried lowering graphics, changing off metal, etc. Doesn’t work.
  11. J

    Worst crash ever

    Best game I’ve had since Civ4 ruined by crash. Can’t get past turn 288. Sucks. That’s all.
  12. J

    AI Better since last Patch?

    My current game as Pachacuti on deity is the best challenge I’ve had since civ 4. Units are upgraded and in corps/armies, and Montezuma made a fleet that completely decimated my fleet that would have dominated the seas in prior to this patch.
  13. J

    Trading w/ other Civs

    You also need map revealed enough to provide a path to get to the other civs. In my current game I made an economic alliance with England, but didn’t yet have the map revealed enough to use it.
  14. J

    Do we know when the new patch drops?

    We know now. Just dropped!
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