Recent content by Kimurae

  1. K

    Okay, but seriously, what exactly IS a civilization?

    You could solve some of the issues Civ 1-6 have with representation by changing things slightly.... • I think the overall look, feel, etc of a given civilization should be more based off player choice, technology, luxury goods, and cultural power. And I think rather than have all cities look...
  2. K

    Do you think future civ games should bother with Mac?

    Civ VI doesn't really work on Mac most of the time, so I wonder if there's even a point to having future civs on Mac if they're not going to get the TLC to actually work? I've been using the xbox one version since they removed the OpenGL option. Reading the forum posts it just seems like all...
  3. K

    [NFP] Is Civ 6 doomed?

    Hmm, I'm not sure why but it seems to me V and VI especially that the AI is oriented towards acting like a player, a spoiled brat player that throws tantrums when it does not get its way and keeps pinging/poking you with inane crap I never care about. After playing crusader kings, at least the...
  4. K

    [NFP] Frontier Pass

    Firaxis may not be allowing them to fix the bug, as it changes the checksum and makes online play unavailable. And they may have strict guidelines and NDAs keeping them from doing any updates not approved by firaxis.
  5. K

    If a game is to represent Gandhi, it cannot be as a potential player character

    I never understood the dislike of Jadwiga, she might not have been a military leader, but it seems like she was a very capable diplomat when she came of age, which is viable in my mind for a Civ VI leader. (If you disagree with wikipedia, suggest edits). (I'd have no problem with MLK, Eleanor...
  6. K

    What is the true value of gold?

    Doesn't chopping require a builder charge? Hence you should subtract the production cost of the builder / the charge count from what you gain by the chop; as well as the opportunity penalty of building/buying a builder in lieu of something else. Also, only so many choppable tiles.
  7. K

    I used to think disasters were mostly harmless and inconsequential

    It really feels like (and might make sense), they seem to focus on the first hour or so of the game, and don't seem to focus on the fun aspects after. Why can't walls be something that gets rebuilt as your city expands? A sea wall would protect your districts.
  8. K

    Nerfing the coast is just annoying

    I think simply tweaking the housing bit so river mouths got housing at 4-6, and allow faster movement along a river. It should also be harder for land units to pillage river and sea trade routes.
  9. K

    [GS] Two lovely features from CivIV still missing. Why?

    It would be kind of interesting if you could defeat an opponent enough that they just fell apart into city states. One bit I liked from beyond earth was the concept of just having a handful of units that you upgraded as tech was researched. I also liked that selection of research could pull...
  10. K

    So they still haven't fixed the AI with regard to war.

    What I mean is, they put a lot of effort into making it behave along agendas, and have feelings towards your actions. I wish I could just turn all that crap off; its annoying to always be playing against an AI that throws temper tantrums. I'd almost rather have a game with barbarians and disasters.
  11. K

    So they still haven't fixed the AI with regard to war.

    I think the core problem is you the AI they give isn't really designed for a tactical challenge. I mean.... they could have just programmed the map generation to just give them their cities with optimal district placement, ignore the game rules. They get tech and free upgrades at regular...
  12. K

    [GS] Gathering Storm General Discussion Thread

    Eleanor ran Aquataine as her own; and the lords there only supported the French or English crown when she asked them to. You have to remember under feudalism there really wasn’t a nation; just a complex set of liege ties. I think her inclusion is great as she was not someone to trifle with.
  13. K

    New Expansion Speculation Thread

    If the expansion does include natural disasters; it might start a positive direction for the franchise. I actually find the other civs especially their agendas and their interuptions to be annoying. I almost think the main reason the AI is so screwed up is because its an attempt at emulation...
  14. K

    All Quiet on the Civ Front

    Given that Ghandi never ruled India, but was a movement leader; that opens up America to have other leaders besides Presidents. Martin Luther King and Ben Franklin come to mind; (They also have had Eleanor Roosevelt as a leader IIRC)
  15. K

    Time to retire "Tall vs Wide" for "Peace vs War"?

    Some thoughts: - You can assign population to defend cities. - Building an army costs 1 population. - Garrisoning an army adds to the cities population, but that population is only assigned to the garrison. - If an army is disbanded in a city it adds back to the city population. - Armies need...
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