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  • arya126, I invite you to join the Commerce Guild for American Supremacy (or just the Guild) in Land of the Free, a kind-of-sequel to AMPU
    As to your comment on coalition governments in 'A More Perfect Union', I would like to point out that while we cannot win any election by ourselves, forming a coalition with like minded parties (who have a similar will for america) allows us to work together to STOP the communists from getting into power, as well as be able to work together and push forward our own similar ideas from each other rather than having to compromise on things with communists.

    NOTE: This post comes before the one below it when you read them together. They wouldnt fit in one message.
    So, until the point where the Amfist party can win an election on its own (unlikely to happen), coalitions are a must, not only to keep the communists out by not dividing their opponents up, but also to keep our party in power, even if we share power with other parties.

    And as I am running for president, WE will be the country's voice. The president is easily the most influential politician in the government, and while our party controls that office, we are the most powerful party in our coalition, although it would be wise to keep the support of the rest of the coalition, both for future elections, and because a hostile congress (ESPECIALLY a house because of their impeachment powers) is not good for anybody involved, except the opposition.
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