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  • I dont want that you add something from my Mod to your mod! I dont want that somthing will mixed. Sorry...
    And im not interessted in any invitation.
    Read post below this first

    Also I would like to send you an Invitation to Caveman2Cosmos, help us make even better in these future eras! Be part of the family. We currently get 2,500 downloads/6,000 views a month and have earned very good scores. Also, ( ofcourse), we present you wiith all the Credits and Honors you deserve. We dont want to steal your hard work, we want people to know what you did.

    Please join me in our Forum, and discuss any concerns you might have. We want you and Conflict of Chiron to be part of Caveman2Cosmos.

    Thank you for reading and have a good day.
    Dear Monaldino,
    I am a modder for the mod Caveman2Cosmos. I am in-charge of Technologies,(StrategyOnly is mod leader), and I am going to add several new futuristic eras to our mod including;Digital, Cyber, Solar, Interstellar, Galactic, and Dimension. They will add 600-700 more Techs to our mod. You have a very good mod called Conflict on Chiron 2. 80% of your mod will make excellent addition to our mod. I would like to include it to Caveman2Cosmos.
    I am glad to hear something like that, and also makes me proud.
    Especially I'm only a one-man company...
    Again, sorry for my behavior!
    I really like your mod, I hope we can explore some together. C2C has really improved the game a lot, by improving the ai, adding a bunch of resources, and improving turns times. I see a lot of areas where C2C could help your mod (and the other way around if you allow it), and by spending time in the the C2C forums, and helping them they will start helping you with your stuff as well. I already see people visiting your mod forum thanks to our conversation. I think a good place to start is in the galactic thread where you started talking. There is also a scenario thread where people are starting to suggest building scenarios. Many mod builders are sharing ideas, solving problems together, and helping each other. I am glad you are back. I hope to see more of you and get a chance to talk, even if we speak different languages. (google translate helps me with your forum) I really am a big fan of your efforts. Keep it up!
    Thanks for the link, I am sorry again for any misunderstanding. When talking about ideas, I'm all about looking for new ones, and working together to build them. I would never dream of just taking any of your ideas. Just suggesting they talk to you about them. I just want to see all ideas get better and better. I figure that working together and sharing a bit helps everyone.
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