• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).
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  • Hi Pazyryk,
    LPlate here. Just getting back into modding and trying to develop a mod on Civ IV. It will plagiarise a load of ideas from Ea and its threads but will be limited by my time and ability. I might issue a couple of modcomps along the way but it would be years before I have anything publishable modwise.

    Anyway, hope all is well with you. Take care.
    Hello! I noticed you are knowledgeable with SQLite and Civilization V as a whole (I saw a post of yours from 5-7 years ago). I'm trying to make a change to the files, so that the art style of the improvements changes at Modern era, not Industrial. I have spent hours of looking for the right files and replacing text without success. I'd be most grateful if you could help me! :)
    It's August now and in two months, just before Halloween, the shops will all put up their Christmas decorations. I just wondered if you were going to take off the Rudolph nose at any stage this year.

    The Grinch
    Have you had any luck with graphics? Can you get the tools to work?

    I'm planning on making your wonder tiles but since I'm always so on delivery I thought I'd do a tutorial with them so you can work on it and not depend on me.
    For testing purposes, just use the new graphic in place of farm. Then plop a worker and build a farm to see if you get the under-construction and then completed graphics.


    Then you need to add ART_DEF_IMPROVEMENT_WONDER_TEST to the ArtDefine_Landmarks (iirc) table. I'll have to look at the table to remember how to do that part (it may be Saturday before I have a chance).
    I'm working on your wonder tile imps. But I need a mod to test them. Right now we just use the DLC to test the graphics but I want to see if they will show up in a mod. Can you whip up a quick one for testing only one tile imp that is available at game start?
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