Recent content by Phillip J Wiecek

  1. P

    [C3C] Civilopedia reports 2x shields required for buildings

    I'm playing America, Industrious & Expansionist When I start a new game I DO have the option for accelerated production. I don't remember If I selected it but I probably did. Thanks all
  2. P

    [C3C] Civilopedia reports 2x shields required for buildings

    Why does Civilopedia report 2x shields required for buildings? For instance, It says that a Cathedral requires 160 shields but the construction box shows 80 no matter how many times I count them.
  3. P

    Speed of building roads

    I'm trying to figure out whether more than 2 workers speeds up long distance road building on flat terrain. Trying to do this mentally makes my head hurt. I want to create a very vanilla map that I can use as a race track for various numbers of workers. It would consist of an area for a number...
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