Recent content by PinkyGen

  1. PinkyGen

    Did Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven have backwards messages?

    Yeah, as tongue in cheek. It's on the Wall, I believe part of "Empty Spaces" on disk 1. The full message is something akin to, "Congrdulations, you've found the secret message! Please contact old Pink at the funny farm." Then in the background, you can hear someone say "Roger, Caroline's...
  2. PinkyGen

    U.S. Vetoes Resolution Condemning Israel for the Killing of Hamas Leader

    I'm glad they killed the bastard, even if tactically it wasn't the best move. I find it extremely hypocritical that Israel is condemned for killing terrorist leaders, when we know right now that the U.S. is trying to capture or kill Osoma Bin Laden. Is killing Bin Laden now illegal and...
  3. PinkyGen

    At least 62 dead in Madrid bombings, ETA suspected.

    It is the worst terror attack in Europe since WWII. Their have been bloodier conflicts (Romanian revolution, Hungary), but not in one incident.
  4. PinkyGen

    Social Injustice: the Hindu Caste System

    I assume most lower case people don't have computers, so I'll be devil's advocate and speak for them. Caste still matters in large parts of Indian society, usually more in the north than the south. Most lower castes tend to live in the extreme poverty that India is infamous for. The...
  5. PinkyGen

    At least 62 dead in Madrid bombings, ETA suspected.

    First, my condolences to Yaro and any other Spaniard on these boards. This is a horrific event that is unparrelled in European history since the end of WWII. As for blame, the problem is that the attacks share the characteristics of both ETA and Al Qaeda. The bomb is an explosive device...
  6. PinkyGen

    Britain Spied On UN Secretary General?

    This kind of thing happens all the time. All nations spy on each other. What's more shocking is that a former minister is blabbing on it. It's kinda like George Tenet, assuming he would get fired, as blabbing about CIA operations he doesn't agree with. Blair should prosecute for exposure...
  7. PinkyGen

    Michael Moore endorses....Wesley Clark?

    Moore is usually very funny, but completely nutty, like in Bowling for Columbine. I also disagree with how he characterizes Clark, especially on the tax plan. That tax plan is never getting through Congress. But for the first time in a long time, Moore's essential point for democrats and...
  8. PinkyGen

    Age of War PBEM

    Is somebody looking at Demographics? My production is getting messed up, and units are following go-to commands. And I know I did did crtl-n the last turn! Also, is the alliance still coordinating research?
  9. PinkyGen

    Age of War PBEM

    We thank the British for their contribution to France's reconstruction, and remind them, the more the merrier. :lol:
  10. PinkyGen

    Imperialism 1870 PBEM

    Oooh, war at last.
  11. PinkyGen

    Age of War PBEM

    Same as before, please send money and engineers. :(
  12. PinkyGen

    Iron Curtain Pbem #1

    Is this game dead?
  13. PinkyGen

    Iron Curtain Pbem #1

    Peace reigns throughout the world. ;) I of course cannot predict what will happen, but I would honestly like it for this peace treaty to hold. And I assume SEATO wishes for peace. ;) As for real-civ diplomacy, things that you do not want other ivs knowing about are done by PM. (Such as the...
  14. PinkyGen

    Iron Curtain Pbem #1

    I'll be selling the airport, and transferring it's defender out, so it will be transferred in two turns. I assume we would be using Civdip for this, since no garrisosns are exchanged? Anyways, you should see my production box on nukes. Then again, you still may in the east. Hmm...
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