Recent content by Rampage

  1. R

    Civs building 2nd/3rd cities at extreme distances

    Thay always build their 2nd city at the other ends of landmass. Especially irritating when the most farthest located AI decides to build their 2nd city 3 tiles ! from my capital. Happened to me twice, both times its the AI that is on the farthest corner of the landmass. Essentially forces...
  2. R

    Conquests Beta Patch Now Available

    Thanks very much :goodjob: Best christmas present ever ! :D :love:
  3. R

    Civ III: Conquests Patch Notice

    choosing random civs is MP ? How come thats a problem ? I tought fixing the RCP - FP - GPT was the primary concern... if some random civs bug takes the patch after christmas :cry:
  4. R

    Civ III: Conquests Patch Notice

    Pretty Please Firaxis, release the patch soon, otherwise the holidays will be ruined :cry:
  5. R

    C3MT - Civ3MultiTool (Second CFC Thread)

    Could you please post this file here on CFC too, my ISP is doesnt let me download anything from Apolyton. Thanks for great tool !
  6. R

    Agricultural civ FOOD BUG - Needs to be fixed

    oops my bad. its supposed to work that way. i'm going to some dark corner and feel very very ashamed :cry:
  7. R

    Agricultural civ FOOD BUG - Needs to be fixed

    Description of problem : Playing as Mayans, found many cities along river - all have the bonus food at the city centre, thus city centre producing 3 food. Problem starts when i found cities that are not located along river - they do NOT get the bonus food and are producing normal 2 food per...
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