• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • It's impossible for me to reply to every message. But for some people this seems difficult to understand.
    Hi Sephi: Forgive my rudeness and hyprbole. I should have written to thank you sooner for the gift of your "wildmana", as I've enjoyed it immensly. Your game is marvelous. WM is the only civ-mod I can play now; with the addition of spells and better A.I. it's a quantum leap forward. I really appreciate your generosity and the contibutions to the Civ world. Here's to you Sephi.:goodjob: Thanks.
    Sephi -- Happy Hollidays -- I downloaded Mana mod and I can load the game preferences screen ; but when I start the game it crashes. I have Vista on my computer. Is that an issue and if so is there a fix?
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