Recent content by smitty5ca

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    I pledge to not buy Civ 6 until it is released

    You have my axe ash88. I totally agree with you 100% OP. I've been wishing people do this for a long time. Unfortunately most people don't care about making a statement anymore. As long as they get to play first, they don't care what state the game is in.
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    Caveman 2 Cosmos

    Hi there, I tried searching the thread for my problem but couldn't find anything. When I am in the custom game for C2C I noticed I do not have the Lock modified assets button available to me so I have no way to turn it off. Is this supposed to be like this? I would rather have it off. Thank...
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    Sid Meier's Civilization VI announced!

    That also means much less game. It'll be Civ lite.
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    Sid Meier's Civilization VI announced!

    I have two main complaints. 1. What frustrates me most about what I've seen so far about Civ 6 is that this game seems like it's being developed for tablet use specifically. Which means less immersive atmosphere of a game due to system restraints. 2. Another thing that I am really...
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    Should Firaxis NOT Make a Civ6? Maybe not the best source, but it does sound pretty promising. If Firaxis hasn't even been working on Civ 6 this whole time, then they are pretty dumb. Civ 5 might be getting played a lot but it's probably not bringing a lot of money now. A new Civ game...
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    Should Firaxis NOT Make a Civ6?

    Firaxis has already started developing Civ 6. You'll probably see a date for release in the next couple of months.
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    Expansion Packs: Not What They Used to Be *Opinion Thread

    Excellent point Thormodr, I'm very disappointed with the amount of people on this forum who are content with DLC. I don't care that much amount new civs or maps, I want new techs, new resources, new units and I want to see random events brought back, something only an expansion could bring out.
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    Civ V stock image Scavenger hunt

    I absolutely love this thread! Keep up the good investigatory work OrsonM. I'm sure Super Nations V 2 won't have nearly the amount of problems Super Nations 1 had ;)
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    155 things you didn't know until Civ5 taught you

    157. Snow covered tundra can co-exist right next to a desert with no transition from desert to snow. Yes, I'm bringing back this thread...
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    Should I or shouldn't I?

    Honestly I don't think I would buy it if I were you. If I could, I would return it for a full refund. The AI is still to stupid to be effective at all. For me personally I do not like the social policies and prefer civics. It is close to being a good game, but I would wait tell they come out...
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    Polynesia? Seriously!?

    If Polynesia is in this game, I want Canada then! You could make the same arguments for having Canada in the game as Polynesia.
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    What of we didn't buy the DLC?

    Ever since the introduction of DLC's in games, I find my interest in video games deminishing very rapidly. The introduction of DLC's might even be good for me, maybe instead of playing video games I can learn an actual skill that might benefit me in life.
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    Mega Mod

    Is this mod still getting updated? Looks like the last person to respond on here was Jan 22nd. I love this mod, hope your still working on it Slowpoke
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    March Patch Notes (formerly february)

    Why do we still have to watch the first 20 seconds of the intro? Why don't they allow us to skip past this in a new patch? This should be considered a bug.
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