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  • Though I have a suspicion, I'm not sure.

    If It's midnight where I live (It is) is that a "New Day" for Imperium and so I can go back to claiming Brazil? Or is that not how it works.
    Well, thank you.

    I used it once temporarily because Karalysia was PMing me several times about how fun it was to troll. However, I would never use it for anything but this. I definitely think the ignore list is used way too often simply because someone disagrees with you.
    In case I am on your ignore list for some non-Imperial Offtopicum issue, I figured I would tell you here I sent you a message about the game, asking for advice on something in game.
    Try this...

    Go to
    click on "Server"
    Type in for the server address.
    For the channel, type #nes
    Use Owen or whatever you want for the nickname ;)
    hit connect
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