Recent content by Standish

  1. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    Goodness me, I've missed a few things, haven't I... I'm terribly sorry for disappearing in the summer, right after I said I'd be around to; life kinda threw me a quality curveball, haha. Anyway, I'm glad to see the mod made it into a BETA phase. It looks like you got tons of work done over the...
  2. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    Alright, sounds like a plan!
  3. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    Well, I'm still around if you've got anything specific you'd like done.
  4. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    Dangit, I'm so late, lol. I literally saw and responded to your Moddb question today. Ah well, glad you got it fixed!
  5. Standish

    Help regarding an event.

    G'day everyone, I've got a question in regards to a mod I'm working on. So I've been trying to figure out a way to get an existing civ, so a playable civ, to conduct invasions or raids, on other civs, in somewhat of a regular pattern. Any ideas on how this would work? Thanks!
  6. Standish

    XML load error help request

    If you remove something outright, you'll have a ton of places where there are entries for the units. For example, art defines. You'll have to remove/edit all these entries.
  7. Standish

    Canada Civilization

    Looks good, but if you don't mind me making a suggestion, I think the Avro Arrow would he a more appropriate unique unit.
  8. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    Sounds and looks great! After the update's out, would you at all mind if I did a bit of marketing for the mod, such as, MoDB, Steam etc?
  9. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    By the way, were you able to get the stuff downloaded alright?
  10. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    Oh great, that's perfect timing!
  11. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    G'day topsecret, I have returned with a new PC, and quite possibly ready to help out again!
  12. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    And now I'm going to be needing a new PC... So, what with me not knowing if my current PC will behave or not, and with when I'll get my next one up in the air, I"ll just upload what I've done so far so that if something happens, you'll still have what I've done. (On a side note, I noticed we're...
  13. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    Good news, due to a bit of a mishap in hockey, I'll be having plenty of time for modding, over the next few days.
  14. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    Thanks. :D
  15. Standish

    [BTS] Middle-earth Mod

    On the topic of Great People names, here are a few names I thought up. (Ideas, of course) (Dwarves) Anar Longbeard Regi Stonefoot Grór Firebeard Hanar Longbeard Óri Backlock Lóni Broadbeam Flói Stiffbeard I tried to give titles, matching the meaning of the name, for the Rohirric people. If...
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