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    On behalf of the Strength of Freedom Coalition (which the Guardian Party is a member of) we would like to thank you for your kind vote! We would also like to inform you that you get a second vote (which you must use on a different party) and that if you vote for another party that is part of the Strength of Freedom Coalition (such as the Insanely Mad Warmongers' Party, which I am the leader of) then you will help Presidential Candidate Arya and the rest of the Guardian Party become victorious!


    Late response is late...

    Sadly, yes. I was in the final stages of my "super update" when the flash drive I was using mysteriously broke into numerous small pieces.
    No, it's not lost; but it is on hiatus. I can't seem to come up with a good ending for the update and I'm taking a break from writing until school is over and my hectic schedule lightens up a bit. Hopefully I'll get it up before September.

    When I finish this update, the next one shouldn't be too far behind because I've already got it sorta planned out.
    Progress Report: Okay, so at some point I deleted the original map for some reason or another. So what I did was I redownloaded the base file, made the changes I did for the story and then inserted the starting points. I currently have three versions of the file:

    1. Just the map with the starting points
    2. The starting points are assigned to the same civs as they are were in Celtic Fury
    3. The same as the first one, but with no corruption (which I wish I had done for CE)

    They should be uploaded within a day or so.
    Hey, no problem. I haven't been on much recently because of school, but when I can find the time to upload the file, I will.
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