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  • I beg your pardon.
    I really love History Rewritten and I'd like to know if there other maps/scenarios (and not only the world map).
    Thank you
    Not at the moment, sorry. There used to be several other maps, but they were removed in 1.24 as they were quite out of date (missing terrain types, resources, etc). I intend to add some of them back in when I find the time and motivation to get them updated.
    • Like
    Reactions: Sajeva
    Thank you very much. I'll follow your updates!
    May I ask what your avatar depicts, young sir?
    It's an F key you uncultured baboon
    It's a bass clef inlay made of greenstone, a form of jade iconic in my country. I'm a bass player.
    Oh, jade, it's very nice. Does it have any particular special meaning?

    (@Lohrenswald, I know what the note ‘Fa’ is, and am cultured enough to know the real names of notes)

    I have been playing the dev version 2. I was trying to get a friend to hop on and play a little multiplayer, so we can see if we get any OOS errors.

    I was wondering if you would release a dev patch for the golden age - no reformation/no revolutions error. Multi player requires some serious planning (wife, kids, and/or girlfriend need to be out of the house, and I think if we had that fix it would be totally worth the time to do a little play-testing, [that was the only error that was a deal breaker for my friend]). Its the only issue that really interferes with playability, everything is either fine … or awesome.
    I like your Mod greatly. How would you feel if I took charge of developing a 1940 Scenario for it as my RTW 2.x starting point.
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