Disable Space Race

Disable Space Race 1.51

Version 1.51: Increased load order to improve compatibility with other modules.
Version 1.51: Increased load order to improve compatibility with other modules.
Version 1.5: Removes Space Race related Great People from the game.
Version 1.4: Removes Science Victory from game.
Version 1.31: Minor code syntax revisions.
Version 1.3: Corrected code to delete Expansion 1 (Rise & Fall) Space Race projects. Added code to delete Expansion 2 (Gathering Storm) Space Race projects.
Version 1.2: Corrected problem where game would allow Space Race projects to be built on the City Center without a Spaceport. This release deletes Spaceport and all five Space Race projects from the game.
Version 1.1: Mod recreated in SQL. Completely deletes Spaceports from the game.
Version 1.0 Final
- Updated syntax to meet new requirements
- Added comments into XML for explanation of purpose
Version 1.0 Beta

Tested working with all Civilization Expansion Packs. Enjoy!
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