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Extra Human-Player Units at Game Start 1.05

Minor update, forgot to change builder spawn unit back to builder after using this script for testing.

If you want to fix yourself w/o another download, just change "UNIT_MISSIONARY" to "UNIT_BUILDER" in the top section of the lua.

For hot-seat:
Remove the line:
Events.LocalPlayerChanged.Add( OnPlayerTurnActivated );
near the bottom of ScoutSpawn.lua
It will cause the script to run twice for players other than player one.
Last update accidentally included wrong file.
Updated to fix an issue with script not working when game is started in a non ancient era.
Just a small modification so script will work with hot seat games.
Not sure about online multiplayer, unable to test currently.
Allows human player to start with extra units, techs, and gold

To edit amounts and techs, change values at top of lua:
Spoiler ScoutSpawn.lua --( never changed file name from original test) :
local numSettlers = 0  --------------------------------------------set number of extra starting settlers for player
local numScouts   = 5  --------------------------------------------set number of extra starting scouts
local numBuilders = 2 ---------------------------------------------set number of extra starting builders
local TechOne = GameInfo.Technologies["TECH_POTTERY"]; ------------set technology
local TechTwo = GameInfo.Technologies["TECH_ANIMAL_HUSBANDRY"]; ---set technology
local TechThree = GameInfo.Technologies["TECH_MINING"]; -----------set technology to start with less techs, local TechThree;
local PlayerGold = 100 --------------------------------------------set gold
local iScout = GameInfo.Units["UNIT_SCOUT"].Index -----------------set unit
local iSettler = GameInfo.Units["UNIT_SETTLER"].Index -------------set unit
local iBuilder = GameInfo.Units["UNIT_BUILDER"].Index -------------set unit
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