Hundred Years War Civ Pack (1337 - 1356)

Hundred Years War Civ Pack (1337 - 1356) V1.0, Hotfix #1

Many changes to fix errors/bugs with Portugal and Navarre.
Latest version of the HYW1 (1337-1356 AD) civ pack.

No additional content planned for this civ pack.

Future versions will probably be fixes only.
Sorry about the quick update. I noticed the Scottish civ couldn't use its custom units. Needed to fix this ASAP.

Currently working on adding 2 new civs to this civ pack: Beatrice of Portugal and Joan II of Navarre.

This will be out soon.
Latest version updated all the custom civs on changes made in the parent scenario.

Also added Scotland as a playable civ.
Composite Bowman should work correctly now.

Few other very small changes.
Fixed badly-defined unit overrides definitions. Should work much better now.
Minor changes to Leader artwork.

This version has the planned map for the scenario.

To use it, go to where the mod is installed. Usually some place like this:

C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS

Where "user" is the name of the account that installed Civ5.

Navigate to the MAPS folder in the Hundred Years War Civ Pack mod:

C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Hundred Years War - Civilization Pack (v 1)\MAP

You should see a file named "Hundred Years War - 1337b.Civ5Map"

Copy this file to the game's Maps folder:

C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Maps

Then enable the Civ Pack mod in the MODS area of the game, then press "NEXT" button.

Select "Single Player" on the next popup, then "Setup Game"

Click on the "Map Type" area of the "Modding Game Setup" popup.

In the "Select Map Type" panel, click on "Additional Maps"

In that same right side panel, scroll down until you see the map named "Hundred Years War - 1337b"

After you click on it, you should see a radio button named "Load Scenario" appear in the "Select Map Type" area on the left side panel. Left-Click on that button to leave a green check mark.

Then select the leader you want at the top of the popup then press "Start the Scenario" button at the bottom.

The scenario should load after a few moments.


I haven't tested this map against the civ pack yet, so proceed at your own risk. I'm pretty sure the "timing" will be broken, so the date shown on the top right side of the screen won't look good after even a few turns.

Actual scenario will have monthly game turns, but standard Civ5 won't understand this yet.
Changed Louis 1 for Flanders artwork, and made a few more small changes. I also added city names for non England/France/HRE civs. Updated the spy names, and added the greeting/defeated text keys for all 7 civs.
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