JFD's Civilizations - Japan (Tojo) for Vox Populi

JFD's Civilizations - Japan (Tojo) for Vox Populi (v 9)

UA: Empire of the Pacific
- Naval unit attack bonus removed.
- Instant yield now triggers when obtaining tiles due to ruins (fixed in 25/11 DLL).
- Instant yield decreased from 30/45 for acquiring water tiles from neutral/other civilizations, to 30/30.

UB: Dojo (replaces Armory)
- No longer the UB.
- Promotion no longer granted to naval melee units.

UB: Imperial Shrine (replaces Circus)
- Same as Meiji's 2nd UB.
- +3 Culture, +2 Faith (compared to no yields for Circus).
- All units from this city gain the 'Emperor's Will' promotion (increased combat strength based on unit damage).
- Increases Military Unit Supply Cap by 1.
- 2 slot for art or artifact, gains a theming bonus when the slot is filled with your civ's art or artifact (5 Culture/Tourism, along with a bonus of 5 Culture/Golden Age Points).

UU: Yamato (replaces Battleship)
- +25% Ranged Combat Strength now +25% Combat Strength when attacking (less defense against enemy ranged attacks).

UB: Kabuki Theatre (requires 4UC) (replaces Opera House)
- No longer the UB.

UB: Governer's Office (requires 4UC) (replaces Courthouse)
- Can be built in puppeted cities.
- Provides 1 Iron, Coal, and Oil.
- +9 food or +6 production to internal trade routes.
- +1 production to factories.

UU: Kagero (requires 4UC) (replaces Destroyer)
- Now has 5 more combat strength compared to Destroyers, previously 0.

Event: Land of the Rising Sun
- Choice 1 (free great person) now requires Renaissance.

- Fixed default civilization event showing up when playing with Community Events.
UA: Empire of the Pacific
- Science from acquiring sea tiles now science from acquiring lake, coast, and ocean tiles. Lakes are included due to how they are coded in civ 5.
- Science is now a constant 30, scaling with era. Increases to 45 when conquering or citadeling another player. The Science from JFD's version is 1 tile = 1 turn of Science, increasing to 2 turns when conquering.
- Removed +50% naval unit production in conquered city.
- Added +2 Science and Production on Coastal Buildings (to have a peace time bonus, and as a parallel to Oda's building bonuses). These are the Lighthouse, Harbour, Seaport, and Minefield. If Enlightenment Era is installed, also affects Drydock.
- Added naval units gain +20% combat strength when attacking (fits with their decisive battle naval doctrine).

UB: Dojo (replaces Armory)
- Shared with Oda Nobunaga's Japan.
- Promotions now granted to naval melee units. This also affects Oda Nobunaga.

UU: Yamato (replaces Battleship)
- Removed ability to carry 1 air unit (was buggy as it never disallowed bombers correctly).
- Added Armor Plating I (+25% Combat Strength when defending).
- Removed 100% bonus against cities.
- Added Type 94 Naval Guns (+25% Ranged Combat Strength, +1 Range).
- Now has a faith cost (for Spains UA, just in case).
- Removed city bombard AI type (no longer has a bonus vs cities).
- Removed Carrier flavors for AI.
- Increased AI flavor values by 2.
- 15 more combat strength and 5 more ranged combat strength compared to Battleships.

UB: Kabuki Theatre (replaces Opera House with More UCs)
- Unchanged.

UU: Kagero (replaces Destroyer with More UCs)
- Type 93 Torpedoes (+50% Combat Strengh when attacking units) (includes a custom set of attack animations; do check it out!).
- Does not require strategic resources.

Decision: Adopt the Kantai Kesssen
- Now +1 moves and +1 sight for all naval units at all times (not just when garrisoned)(naval ranged cant fire when garrisoned in VP).

Decision: Modernise the Imperial Air Services
- Reworked from 'Modernise the Japanese Navy'.
- Fighter units gain +25% combat strength.
- Two free sources of oil.
- The idea is that Tojo can have some of the bonuses Zeroes would have provided as a UU.
- Cost 100 Gold, scaling with era and game speed.

Event: Emperor's Summon
- Requires Medieval Era.
- Requires 100 Golden Age Points, scaling with era, for the event to fire.

Event: Divided Military
- Requires Medieval Era.
- Requires 200 Gold, scaling with era, to fire.
- Choice 1: Lose your capital's garrison.
- Choice 1: Requires garrison in capital.
- Choice 2: Lose 100 Gold, scaling with era.
- Choice 2: All military land units gain 15 XP.
- Choice 3: 4 rebel units spawn in the capital.
- Choice 3: Lose 200 Gold, scaling with era.
- Choice 3: 4 turns of resistance in capital.
- Choice 3: Free social policy.

- Yamato promotion and UA promotion now shows up under the naval promotions category in civilopedia.
- Removed changes to Oda Nobunaga.
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