Relive World Wars

Relive World Wars v6.1

- Add Australia as a Civilization
- Add John Curtin as Australia Leader
- Add new units to Australia
- Fix some bugs with graphic not showing
- Try to fix some Great person not giving actual bonuses to building
- Fix some text not showing
- Fix some improvement not working properly
- Can now remove District with a special project
- Fix military CS not giving production bonus to Winter/Desert/Jungle encampment
- Fix military CS not giving production bonus to unique building
- Adjust bombard strength to some units
- Fix CS not giving bonus unit to build
- Fix Netherland icon not loading
New upload link with lastest version for those who doesn't have steam.
I finally made it through both RnF & GS. To make the mod working and enjoyable. I've made a lot artwork changes and some tweaking. I'm planning to continue on with some ideas I have.
- Add 10 City-states from World war I
- Update Civ Icons
- Rebalance for Russia/USSR units
- Rebalance for United States units
- Rebalance for Brazil units
- Rebalance for France units
- Add Portrait to many Russia/USSR units
- Add Portrait to many United States units
- New Icons for some Districts and Promotions
- New unit Flag icon
- Working on new unit split around fighter and artillery (Russia, USSR, United States and Brazil) for this patch
- Merge mod from Sukritact (Ngorongoro Crater) and Deliverator (Neuwanschtein Castle) into the mod to expand playability
- Merge Environment Skin: Sid Meier’s Civilization mod
- Fixed bug where Apothecary and Hospital in Healthcare district causes the game to crash upon building it
- Fixed some units that model didn't show properly
- Fixed other bugs in text files
- Added Tech/Civics for Cold War era
- Add Ottoman
- Added new units icons
- Fixed some issues with the new patch
- Add Austria-Hungary
- Added new models
- Added new units icons
- Edited some model not working
- Added new models
- Added new units to some civ
- Added new units icons
- Added Tank, Plane and Artillery Factory
- Some units are now restrain in number by factory
- Corrected some configplayer error
- Corrected some icons error
- Added Civic/Tech Quotes
- Added Color for Republic / Constitutional Monarchy Government for Lenses
- Revisited AA Gun (Split between Light AA Gun (Bonus vs Infantry) / Heavy AA Gun (Bonus vs Tank))
- Fixed some units models not showing off
- Fixed some City-states bug
- Added YNaMP compatibility for Giant Earth, Greatest Earth Map, Large Europe, Play Europe again
- Tweaked some units
- Added Ammunition District
- Added a Mortar unit split (Infantry Light Mortar (Ranged strength) / Heavy Mortar (Bombard Strength))
- Added Woodrow Wilson for United States
- Added Franklin D. Roosevelt for United States
- Added a file in .dep for model to load
- Modified unit model scale
- Fix unknown error
- 272 New units models
- Correct a bug with a unit icon
- Fixed the issue where Corps and Army didn't work
- Added Francisco Franco as Spain Leader
- Added Republic of China as Civilization
- Added Chiang Kai-chek as Republic of China Leader
- Added Mao Zedong as Republic of China Leader
- Added Poland Civilization
- Added Jozef Pilsudski as Poland Leader
- Added Poland units
- Fixes the mod for the Fall patch
- Doesn't need Aztec DLC anymore
- Added Tojo as Japan Leader
- Corrected some text errors
- Some stuff like submarine under ice and some foreign infantry units will need to be rework
- Added Toussaint's Finland Civilization
- Added Finland Units
- Added Sauna district for Finland
- Corrected some errors
- Lighten the .Artdef files
- New artwork for leaders
- Integrated all DLC civ into the mod so it is standalone
- Correct some error in new City-States
- Added new city-states
- Correct icon loading for Canada units
- Added Tech boost
- Added Civic boost
- Fix the mod for the lastest summer patch
- Fix Churchill, Mussolini and Stalin DLC for summer patch
- Added the Relive World Wars: Mackenzie King DLC
- Added the Relive World Wars: Getulio Vergas DLC
- Added New city-states
- Added the Relive World Wars: Benito Mussolini DLC
- Added Icons arts for Civilizations, City-states and Leaders
- Added new depth to the game:
* Mountain are now passable by some units
* Some naval units are only coastal
* Submarine should now be able to pass under ice
* Heavy Tank are unable to pass through Marsh
* Cannot build City in Marsh anymore
- Added new units types: Torpedo boat, Corvette, Mountain Gun, Mountain Troop, Ski Troop, Foreign Legion (Can only be purchased)
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