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Revolution Mod Pack (BTS) 2016-10-05

Reviews 4.00 star(s) 10 reviews

This is GOOOOOOOOOOOOD:goodjob:
i download this and it doesn't work
If it is what I think it is U are my hero, jdog!:D
Love it!!!:goodjob::goodjob:
I love this! This needs to become standard in Civ4
No interface bug, and the fix in the FAQ on the thread is for Warlords, not BTS. No joy.
hey will this work with BTS 3.13?
Viva la revolución!:strength: :hammers:
I hope you've figured this out already, but there are install instructions in the first post of the mod's forum thread. See the link in the text above. Enjoy!

I am a novice at Civ IV, and I have never used a mod pack before, but I really would like to try your mod out. Can you give me a step by step guide to how to download and use your mod. I am computer literate, but I have never downloaded one of these before so i have no idea how to do it. i appreciate any help you can give. Thanks.
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