Enhanced sight and defense v. 2. Alpha
What this Mod attempt to do amongst other things is to make use of hills as a strategically Position.
For version 2, I did a lot of rewriting of the Code, i guess i learned a little bit from my mistakes and Fixed some Bugs, almost every feature of this Mod so far should work stable and as intended, but its still an Alpha.
Please leave a Comment when finding any Bugs or if you have any Suggestions or Ideas.
UnitAbillity´s are no longer assinged to a hole UnitClass, now every single Unit gets its Abillity´s
Here in Detail all changes:
1. Encampments gain + 100 torward City Fortification when Build on a Hill
2. Forrest Defense Modifikator is raised to 4
3. Jungle Defense Modifikator is raised to 5
4. Fort Defense Modifikator is raised to 6
5. Citys Gain 1+ Extra Attack Range when Build on a Hill (Still needs Testing)
6. All Capital Citys and City Staates Start with an Ancient Wall
7. Minimun Starting Distance of Mayor Civilizations is raised to 15
8. Minimum City Building Distance is raised to 4
+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
+ 1 Extra Attack Range on Hills
- 5 Reduced Combat Strenght when Attacking Forrest or Jungles
+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
+ 1 Extra Attack Range on Hills
+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
- 5 Reduced Combat Strenght when Attacking Forrest or Jungles
+ 1 Extra Attack when on a Hill
Cannot Attack Marsh
+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
- 5 Reduced Combat Strenght when Attacking Forrest or Jungles
+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
+ 1 Extra Attack when on a Hill
Cannot Attack Marsh
+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
See Through Jungle and Forest when on a Hill
See Hidden Units when on a Hill
+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
- 5 Reduced Combat Strenght when Attacking Forrest or Jungles
Cannot Attack Marsh
Thanks MR.Pat