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Unit Rebalance Mod 1.1 2016-11-18

Quite frankly a lot of the values on several units do not make sense. This mod addresses most (all?) of these glaring issues.


All units - Upgrade costs reduced by about 1/3. I say about because the formula for this is.. it's rough - real rough. It's rounding and pulling horsehocky out of its ass no matter what, but upgrades should be in the neighborhood of 33% off. I felt like it was easier to just produce an entirely new army than upgrade my existing one in a lot of situations (yes, even with the 50% off policy), and that didn't make sense to me.

Anti cavalry units - Anti cavalry bonus increased to 20 (up from 10). Most anti cavalry units would stalemate against cavalry of their era.. I don't even have words for how little sense this makes.

Switched retainers (+1 amenity in this city if it has a garrisoned unit) and conscription (-1 gpt maintenance per unit). This was because conscription came at a time where it made most/all of your units free which was way too strong. It's already one of the better (best?) military policies, so hopefully this tones things down a bit.

Military Engineer - Number of build charges changed to 4 (up from 2). 2 charges was pathetic.

Scout/Ranger - Now do not exert ZOC and ignore ZOC. This was a great suggestion I saw on reddit. Why would your recon units want to engage?

War-Cart - Now requires the wheel and replaces the war chariot. I don't know why it didn't replace the war chariot already since it was a strict upgrade.. Anyway, war-carts came out way too fast and didn't need that. Might help you not die immediately on higher difficulties if Sumeria is nearby or if your buddy feels like rushing in multiplayer.

Pikeman - Combat strength changed to 38 (down from 41). Pikemen were adjusted to keep in line with the other anti cavalry units (10 strength below their respective era cavalry) as to not completely destroy knights (they probably still will anyway). Not sure if this was needed but consistency is important!

Cavalry/Cossack/Rough Rider - Movement changed to 4 (down from 5). I really did not understand why cavalry went from 4 movement to 5 then back down to 4. They're the same horses..

Rough Rider - Now upgrade into tanks. I don't understand why they didn't previously.

Ironclad - Movement changed to 4 (down from 5) and sight changed to 2 (down from 3). Ironclads are for fighting not exploring.

Battleship/Minas Geraes - Movement changed to 4 (down from 5). Battleships already gained +1 range and did not need the extra movement plus IRL battleships are very slow.

AT Crew - Movement changed to 3 (up from 2). Felt a little weird that the anti cavalry line never "got better" overall like most other lines (more movement/more range/etc), so I threw them a bone. This might not be necessary since I made this change before the +10 combat strength vs cavalry, but I don't think it'll hurt anybody.

Machine Gun - Melee combat strength changed to 60 (down from 65) and range changed to 2 (up from 1). Machine guns having less range than archers is one of the stupidest things I have seen in any video game and made no sense logically, gameplay-wise, or historically. Compensated slightly by lowering melee strength.

Destroyer - Movement changed to 6 (up from 4) and sight changed to 3 (up from 2). Yes, Ironclads had more movement and more sight than Destroyers.

Helicopter - Movement changed to 6 (up from 4). Same movement as horses? REALLY?

Missile Cruiser - Movement changed to 6 (up from 4). Don't even get me started.

Modern AT - Combat strength changed to 90 (up from 80) and movement changed to 3 (up from 2). Their strength was out of line compared to the previous tier vs mechanized infantry, and I buffed their movement to go along with the AT crew (see above).

Modern Armor - Combat strength changed to 100 (up from 90) and movement changed to 5 (up from 4). Why would you even build these if they're the same strength as mechanized infantry but don't have the "oh no we're weak to the awful anti cavalry" penalty? I know they ignore ZOC, but that's not a huge deal.

Originally I also nerfed the cavalry policies to 50%, but apparently Firaxis woke up and realised that +100% production was stupid.


Unzip the folder into either your mods folder (C:\Users\<your name>\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods) or DLC folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\DLC). Apologies if you're on mac since I have no idea where they would go.
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The mod is worth it for just changing 2 policy cards alone since it completely changes way you play at the beginning of the game. Units changes are alright, although in my opinion, spearmen & pikemen are still mediocre, but it has more to do with timings at getting cav (easy to get knights, then you get fast cav that requires 2 pikemen to kill at least since they don't upgrade well before atomic etc.).
I quite like this mod. Unit balance is for sure better then it used to be.

I'm playing giant Earth map with ai moded and ai fills up whole map with cities. So I had to rebalance units a bit more. I'm going for domination :D

I used your mod and edited original game file a bit more (never really tried modding).

I increased modern bomber ranged strength to 110 (otherwise I'll never clean the map and bombers on default do no dmg). I reduced their strenght to 60 and I'm thinking of lowering it more. In my late game AI is actually building jet fighters and I want my bomber if intercepted to be shot down as it would get shot down in reality too.

jet fighter movement increased to 9, strenght to 90 and ranged strenght to 90 also. Maybe I should lower ranged to 85 since it fights their jet fighter but also damages town. Now both sides lose half hp. They still suck for cities, which is good. But they're good vs modern armor and vs other jets. Which is their role in RL too. I'll probably increase their interception range to 8-10 if possible hopefully resulting in more fights and have cpu cover more air and intercept more. So that if I'm not carefull my bombers will be dying.

Rocker arty is at 115 ranged, overal strenght at 50. Gets those -17 penalty vs armor, but hits cities nicely, which it should, it's slow and now it has some obvious strenght and is usefull and 2-3 of those destroy city in reasonable time. I'm not sure if strenght 50 is enough for it to die the moment modern armor or modern infantry touches it, I dn, haven't had one attacked until now. But if it doesn't, I'll lower it more. I want it to be abel to survive attack from units from previous eras but die instantly if touched by ground units from modern era.

I also changed destroyer strenght to 100, movement rate +1, I think it should also have view range increased to 4, since it's role is to be a bit in front and be "eyes" for the rest of the fleet. Strenght at 100 so it's usefull for face to face fights.

I don't use anti air units, but if the thing does takes 50% less dmg then it delivers to air units and has range of 5-8 (so it cover a lot of airspace and makes air attacks costly if those are on the field) and if AI starts using them one day, I think it would be quite nice.

So my idea is sort of like this: Anti air cover a lot of air space, shooting bombers with 1 shot, and dmging jet fighters in a way they have big advantage. So if a lot of them, air space is closed and the only way is to dispose of them with tanks and rocket artillery.

So you're left with taking cities with tanks and arty.

I dn, in this way, I think if ai hasn't got air covered it plays like civ V, but when it has air covered arty and tanks have still enough strenght to conquer cities.
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