Questions, Comments and Topics Requested for PolyCast Christmas Special 2013


Owner, Civilized Communication
Oct 24, 2000
Ontario, Canada
[img=right][/img] Headed by regular co-hosts Daniel "DanQ" Quick, "Makahlua", Philip "TheMeInTeam" Bellew and "MadDjinn", PolyCast is approaching the conclusion to its seventh season. On December 14th, 2013, they will record the show's annual Christmas Special live as have been all episode recordings this calendar year. However, they are need of questions to answer, comments to reflect on and topics to investigate to drive this celebratory stream's content: Civ in nature, strategy/computer gaming in general or even PolyCast specific inquiries are all welcome... you are not limited to just one!

To submit your questions, comments or topics for this purpose in advance, do one of the following:

a) respond accordingly to this thread;
b) send an email to;
c) leave a voicemail for free by using Skype to call the show; or
d) leave a voicemail by using your telephone to call the show's United States-based number -- (301) 637-7659 -- or United Kingdom-based number: +44 121 288 7659.

In addition, the PolyCast team will also take them live during the recording of the 2013 Christmas Special in the chat room powered by uStream. Help the show's regular co-hosts prepare for this event by submitting your inquiries in advance. PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production in an ongoing effort to give the Civ community an interactive voice on game strategy; sibling show ModCast focuses on Civ modding, RevCast focuses on Civilization: Revolution, SCivCast on Civ social gaming and TurnCast on Civ multiplay.
Since the devs do peak through the podcast I thought could lay down some new ideas

1. Saboteurs - 3rd espionage agent..useful when having a wonder race, In some ways can cause riots.

2. "Conquest of the New World" scenario updated for GnK and BNW.

3. Following this concept the Age of Exploration could be made more complex in the base game as well like introducing colonies. Colonies unlike cities need to be supported with trade routes constantly, have specialized production buildings, needs to be established in colonial age in other continents.
the benefits for having colonies can be ultimately a diplomatic victory vote (which means city state votes need to be nerfed ), base for religion spread, Can be annexed with ideologies, also depends on revolt risk as well that can lead to independence. Obviously this isn't perfect but I would love to have colonies.

In the end World congress aside diplo victory still the same hogging city-state votes deal, so there is room for improvement.
I'd like to see a discussion about the greatest game breaker for me in multiplayer; the culture bomb ability of the great general citadel.

In my opinion it makes warfare alot more boring, frustrating and straight forward brainless. The introduction of pillage and healing was more then enough of a boost to offensive warfare.

I'd also want to point out that the military Great Persons don't need to be balanced out in usefullness to the ones recruited with points by being specialists in cities. They are growned totally diffrently, and can therefore be very different in usefullness. No balancing is needed between them.

For me, making a citadel without the culture bomb effect, pluss the bonuses of the general otherwise, is more the enough.

Last point: Can't see how offensive citadels (as I call them) can serve singleplayer either. Can't see anything else then lots of abusive possibilities for the human player, that can't be neither copied or countered by the AI.
It seems to be the general consensus that Tradition is the best of the 4 social policy openers out there. While there is a guide out there for it, I haven't found much on how to use the other three.

Would you experts be able to maybe explain what civ and strategy you would use if you had to start with each of Liberty, Honor, and Piety.
I can't believe it's time for the Christmas special already. Dan, Maki, Phil, and MadDjinn, thanks again for another great year of Civ entertainment. :cool:

Along with Carl's question, I'm curious to hear some mid- and late-game strategy. What do some of your early game decisions afford you down the road? And what are some ways you are finding effective to adapt when your plans meet troubles later on in the game?
at what point in time if any do you guys expect Firaxis to make civ 5 as a compete version like they did with civ 3
at what point in time if any do you guys expect Firaxis to make civ 5 as a compete version like they did with civ 3
I'd like more Madjinn Youtube videos with DanQ as co-commentator. I love it when DanQ is joining Beyond the Monument for instance. Can we perhaps have some more guest visits in 2014?

My best suggestion is a Civ5 multiplayer game between the two of you. Pangaea, standard map, default settings, 6 AIs immortal/deity. Would be a great Let's Play. Perhaps all 4 of you and 4 AIs? What do you say, lads and ladettes? :D
Sort of a two-part question:

1) What aspect of Civ V gameplay (that means no talking about turn times, Phil :) ) do you guys think needs the most improvement? I don't know if I myself could narrow it down to one thing, but it would be either the massive imbalance in the social policy trees (Tradition and Rationalism being massively OP) or the fact that tall vs. wide isn't much of a decision any more.

2) Do you think Firaxis should make one more expansion? I know we've never seen three expansions before, but with technology advancing slower and Civ V's massive popularity, I think this could be the first time it's logical to make a third expansion. I don't think there needs to be much more complexity, but a few more gameplay elements (such as the return of corporations in a *better* form) and some re-balancing would definitely make it worth it, IMO.

And thanks for an awesome year of podcasts! :goodjob: I look forward to every other Saturday. :)
Thanks, Luckystrike.

As of this writing we're just over 12 hours before when we're set to record this special. Given we're to be taking comments, questions and topics from the chat live once it starts, indeed we'll be taking them in reply to this thread up to that time. :)

Sort of a two-part question:

1) What aspect of Civ V gameplay (that means no talking about turn times, Phil :)
OK, I admit it, I snorted when I first read this part... :D

... do you guys think needs the most improvement? I don't know if I myself could narrow it down to one thing, but it would be either the massive imbalance in the social policy trees (Tradition and Rationalism being massively OP) or the fact that tall vs. wide isn't much of a decision any more.
In advance of the recording, I felt compelled to note that this is the same as an inquiry we answered as part of our Christmas Special two years ago. Given the -- ah -- considerable changes in CivV since, it's a prime basis for a follow-up answer.

And thanks for an awesome year of podcasts! :goodjob: I look forward to every other Saturday. :)
Thank you for communicating this to us. :king: It's as equally encouraging as it is humbling.
Was looking forward to the episode, are you holding it for Christmas?
Yes; that is, as is PolyCast tradition our annual Christmas Special is to be published on the 24th.

Hope you're still looking forward. :)
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