PolyCast Episode 214: "Somewhere in the Middle"


Owner, Civilized Communication
Oct 24, 2000
Ontario, Canada
[img=right]http://civcomm.civfanatics.com/polycast/images/polycast_logo.jpg[/img] But not stuck. The two-hundred-and-fourteenth episode of PolyCast, "Somewhere in the Middle", features regular co-hosts Daniel "DanQ" Quick, "Makahlua", Philip "TheMeInTeam" Bellew and "MadDjinn" are joined by first-time guest co-host Matthieu "Teproc" Corpet. It carries a runtime of 59m59s.

The summary of topics is as follows:

- 01m21s | Open Mic
Responding to a voicemail/email calling for the removal of "pedantic criticisms" from the show's topics coverage; then, taking in feedback from Episode 213 on faction lore and morality in Civilization: Beyond Earth (12m29s).
- 22m41s | News
What the release of the CivV v1.0.3.276 patch means for gameplay is followed by the resurrection of game developer Big Huge Games and their upcoming premiere title DomiNations (31m56s) and in full circle, planning for the first BE patch.
- 39m16s | Forum Talk
Reviewing two of the Firaxicon panels now online, BE developer Firaxis Games' own account of the game's "Great Mistake" and "Choosing the Civs" for the second Civilization V expansion pack Brave New World raises an eyebrow on the deciding factor for one of them (45m04s).

- Intro/Outro | Miscellaneous
Timing is everything, something to talk about and the power of 10.

Recording live before a listening audience every other Saturday, PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production in an ongoing effort to give the Civ community an interactive voice on game strategy; listeners are encouraged to follow the show on Twitter, and check out the YouTube channel for caption capability. Sibling show RevCast focuses on Civilization: Revolution, ModCast on Civ modding, SCivCast on Civ social gaming and TurnCast on Civ multiplay.
Any reason why I can't find your podcast on iTunes?
For more than two years I have been unsuccessful in getting any action or response otherwise from Apple. That said, you can manually add the show into your feed on the service or any comparable other for that matter:

PolyCast (All Shows): http://civcomm.civfanatics.com/polycast/PolyCast.xml
PolyCast: http://civcomm.civfanatics.com/polycast/PolyCastOnly.xml
ModCast: http://civcomm.civfanatics.com/polycast/ModCastOnly.xml
RevCast: http://civcomm.civfanatics.com/polycast/RevCastOnly.xml
SCivCast: http://civcomm.civfanatics.com/polycast/SCivCastOnly.xml
TurnCast: http://civcomm.civfanatics.com/polycast/TurnCastOnly.xml

Hope you're enjoying, or will enjoy, the show as the case may be!
Reviewing two of the Firaxicon panels now online, BE developer Firaxis Games' own account of the game's "Great Mistake"

Lol. I know what you meant but it still made me laugh. ;)

Anyway, thanks for the heads up on DomiNations. :)
Lol. I know what you meant but it still made me laugh. ;)
Although I hadn't thought of that... interpretation until now :D, yes it could very well be read in that unintended way.

Anyway, thanks for the heads up on DomiNations. :)
So glad that BHG got their name back. Kind of sad they are only focusing on mobile.

I was a big fan of Kingdoms of Amalur and, watched with great sadness the implosion of 38studios/BHG. I was looking forward to Project Copernicus the MMO KoA was based on. Failing that it would have been nice to see a KoA2 but, I'd rather have a SMAC2 100 times more.
So glad that BHG got their name back.
Same here.

I was a big fan of Kingdoms of Amalur and, watched with great sadness the implosion of 38studios/BHG.
As did I.

I was looking forward to Project Copernicus the MMO KoA was based on.
Perhaps DomiNations will be a 'spiritual' successor to Rise of Nations on the mobile platform. I know this was said of Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends by some, though I myself never saw it as such (or played much of it). As I said on the episode of PolyCast in question, here's hoping DN will do for the mobile space what CivRev did for the console space: bring comprehensive strategy gaming to a new gaming platform... and more gamers!

I'd rather have a SMAC2 100 times more.
That remains in EA's hands. The release of Civilization: Beyond Earth is one more title among a number that would be current competitors to a SMAC 2 now for which the original, and still only, SMAC had none at its release. That's not to say that SMAC 2 wouldn't do well because of this alone but indeed it would have to rely on more than its namesake.
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