
  1. Chrisy15

    CanSaveUnit is flawed - Introducing CanSaveUnitGood

    GameEvents.CanSaveUnit is a very flawed GameEvent for a number of reasons, and I'm sorry to say that I can't do anything about those. Instead my interest has been spurned over a new issue, the GameEvent's nature as a Test All event. Test events allow Lua functions to weigh in on whether a...
  2. Infixo

    Real Fixes: Luxuries (AI) 1.0

    Fix for the infamous "AI not improving luxuries in Monopolies and Corporations Mode". This fix a) doesn't move Corporation - it is still at Economics, b) fixes AI behaviour in Ancient Era - they improve Luxuries normally. Actually, I have a feeling that AI improves luxuries even better than in a...
  3. fertiliser

    [BNW] [Bugfixes] [Optimisation] Has it been done before?

    I have a reasonable amount of experience with modding Civ5, but have always avoided the DLL due to compatibility issues. This time around. there's an ambitious project on the horizon. It involves bugfixes and QoL, that may or may not have been done in the past. I'd like to make sure before I...
  4. HorseshoeHermit

    Overflow proration. Exploit?

    When you overflow production with modifiers, you get a credit of hammers stored in a special reserve which we can call the overflow buffer. This buffer is then applied at full value to the next time the city yields production (but not to a process like Wealth). This happens with the...
  5. inc0&&3ct

    [vanilla] Fix for Freeze after clicking 'Continue'

    Hiya! I'm inc0&&3ct, but you can call me Drak, at the beginning of the game, after the Intro, you have to continue (for some reason), and some people have reported that after clicking continue, their game froze I have found a fix for this, it is annoying but it can fix it, you might want to get...
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