
  1. Bonyduck Campersang

    Liegecraft - A New 4X Game in Development

    Liegecraft is a new 4X turned-based and real-time strategy game set in a medieval world from a new developer named From Chaos. From Chaos includes former contributors from Paradox and CD Projeckt. Please use this thread for discussion of this upcoming new and exciting game in the 4X genre...
  2. L

    Final Fantasy 7 Map 1.0

    80x120 round map based on the world of Final Fantasy VII Starting spots correspond to the towns in the game. All starting spots are playable, some a little harder than others. Made in the vanilla Civ 2 map editor. Could be used by itself, or to create an FF7 scenario. Hope you enjoy.
  3. yung.carl.jung

    What makes a great RPG?

    Lately I've been obsessed with the idea of making my own RPG, or just modding an existing one, because I'm so desperately displeased with the state of games today. It all started when I tried playing Skyrim for the first time, seven years after its release, and the experience was just bad all...
  4. Tasunke

    FFH2 multiplayer pick-up games (2-10 ppl)

    Hey everyone, Tasunke here again, and I believe I have discovered a new way to have large FFH2 mp games again, with people from all over the world :) I will be using Extra Mod Mod 5.2 (the latest EMM as of recently) patched over vanilla FFH2 (0.41 patch o) Our format will be 'one day games' in...
  5. cromcrom

    Skills, crafting, and turning your civ into an RPG character :-)

    How could a "crafting" skill be implemented in Civ 6 ? And how to tie it to "skills" ? "Crafting" units, so they are randomized a little bit at the start ? "crafting" districts, so they are a little bit randomized, and maybe create an "almost Wonder" kind of district. The civilisation could have...
  6. Zerver

    Witcher "RPG" female units

    Greetings everyone. Before all, I wanted to thank SaibotLieh for giving useful hints and a final push towards mastering my unit making experience. :assimilate: I'm proud to present my first ever "living" unit converts (all models belong to CD Project Red). Those are the female characters, the...
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