
  1. F

    [Vanilla] Add yield to plot.

    Is it possible to add yields to a plot if the player has a specific trait? For example add +1 food and +1 production to desert tiles.
  2. I

    [BNW] SQL issues with JFD's Rise to Power

    I'd like to make my mod compatible with Rise to Power. I believe I've done everything that was necessary to make it compatible. However, there is one issue I'm having, which is trying to get my civilization to have unique Government names and Leader titles. For some odd reason, the game always...
  3. L

    How to edit an existing units values

    Can somebody please link me to a detailed guide or tell me how to edit an existing units values. I want to edit the production cost of pikemen from 200 to 180. Here is what I have, it does not work for me. If somebody knows what is wrong please let me know I am new to modding and SQL but not new...
  4. Mopafid

    [SOLVED]ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed

    Heya, I'm trying to add a secondary class to several units at once, and have done it in the same way I've always inserted multiple lines into an SQL query. However with this, I'm encountering this error - and I don't get why? Do I need to do it in a specific way, or how? [Gameplay] ERROR...
  5. L

    Modify yield changes due to improvement

    I've searched the SQL in tons of mods and I haven't found any that modify what happens to a resource when you improve it, (e.g. - build a farm on wheat, build a quarry on stone) I can set the BASE values of stone's production, for example, by doing this: UPDATE Resource_YieldChanges SET...
  6. Toussaint10326

    How to add units to a custom Civ that uses SQL

    Hello again, adding a custom trait to my Civ is going alright, but I simply can not figure out how to add a custom unit. Each time I compare everything I have to other mods or even the base game it looks okay, but I open the game and when I press start it just says "Loading, please wait." Until...
  7. Dogrules23

    Custom Civilization Mod Help

    I'm working on a mod that adds all the houses from my fantasy novel and I've created the text and stuff for the first one. I have the Config, GameDefines, and GameText files complete so that my Civ has custom font and all that. I don't know how to do the colors or anything else I might need...
  8. U

    [solved] Modding LocalizedText for DLC civs

    Hello, I have made a gameplay mod. I use sql for the mod files. It works fine so far, both the modifications and their descriptions work fine for all vanilla civs and the Aztecs. But I can't figure out, how to make the descriptions for the other DLC-civs. I followed this tutorial. The...
  9. CivilizationAce

    How to do something last?

    By last I mean last during the SQL, after mods have been applied. Is there a row that's created/updated/deleted last that I could add a trigger to? I ask because I'd like to add a process that will act on items other mods may add, Wonders in this case.
  10. G

    LUA & SQL - LuaSQLite 3

    Question, in case anyone has already tried this: Is there any way to integrate LuaSQLite 3 into the Lua used by Civ VI? If there were, it would seem that it would be the perfect way to establish on the fly integration between the InScript code and the DebugGameplay.sql database. It would allow...
  11. NameArleadyUsed

    How to set description dynamically

    I plan to add some similar info to unit descs but wonder if there is any way to do it with one generic querry. I tried something like this: UPDATE Units SET Description=Description+'LOC_MYNEWCLASS_DESCRIPTION' WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM TypeTags WHERE Units.UnitType=TypeTags.Type AND...
  12. richardsvensson

    SQL and/or XML and/or LUA ?

    Hello everyone, I'm just learning how to mod civ vi, (I haven't really been modding any previous versions of Civ) so I need a short introduction to the relationship between SQL, XML and LUA. I have been able to make a few changes to the game with SQL scripts, and some time ago I also made a...
  13. Infixo

    SQL DELETE question

    Hi there. Is there a way to delete rows from a table which MIGHT NOT exist without getting any errors or warnings (I know that SQLite doesn't support stored procedures, so cannot use IF).
  14. MyopicCat

    Is it possible to dynamically populate a pulldown menu in Advanced Setup?

    I'm making a small mod that lets you reduce the number of City States in a game by adding an extra pulldown menu to the Advanced Setup screen. (Unfortunately it seems currently impossible to *increase* the CS count.) Then I modded AssignStartingPlots.lua so it sets the number of City States...
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