
  1. danjuno

    Strange Fears You Had As A Kid

    What are some strange fears you had as a kid that don't really seem that big a deal as an adult? When I was a kid, I was actually scared of anime because of the big, shiny eyes they typically drew characters with, I couldn't watch Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, or Naruto. It wasn't until in my early teens...
  2. transforvei

    Ghost units bug

    Ok, so... I'm really new here, and english isn't my native language, but i've searched everywhere to find a solution to this bug and i wasen't able. This is what's happening: Whenever i start a game with all JFD's Civ mods, there's a strange bug that happens, in which ghost units appears on...
  3. Strange


    What's that strange looking thing ? :confused: The image was taken from my mod.
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