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terrain change

  1. K

    I hope map terrain evolution becomes a feature in Civ 7

    I might have already posted something like this before. But I simply love the way a map transforms because of player actions, or because of an event. For example, during a crisis event like: -huge plague -an alien invasion -a world war is ongoing -the ice age returning -the world submerging...
  2. Wolfmaster

    Terrain Yield Changes

    Would love to see someone make a mod that just makes a few changes to the terrain in Civ 6. Desert: +1 Production Lake: +1 Food Snow: +1 Faith Desert I've always found it weird that Desert tiles yield literally nothing by default. Not only does it make Desert awful without Petra, but some...
  3. yepzer

    [BNW] A Winter Wonderland mod

    Hi all, There's so little snow here this winter, and I wanted a landscape full of snow and snowmen.... Time to dust off the old modding skills... This mod (v2) consists of two parts: Snowy landscape (plains, desert, marsh, grass tiles are white of snow) Frosty The Snowman improvement for...
  4. J

    [lua] TerrainBuilder.SetTerrainType() map actualisation problem

    Hi, I am running a script during OnGameTurnStarted() using TerrainBuilder.SetTerrainType() to change some of the terrain around the player. The script change the terrain without any problem e.g. Grasslands becoming Plains except the 3D graphics are not updated (they are updated in the...
  5. donald23

    Passable Mountains 0.1

    Makes Mountains passable at a cost. The required Movement points are set to 5 with this mod.
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