[] Not given bronze place in the Appease the Gods Scored Competition


Aug 2, 2017
I have scores in the Appease the Gods Scored Competition for a bronze place, but it was not given.
see screenshot. I played for China. And why is England is not a silver place.

That's how it works.

"You receive the Gold and Silver tiers of rewards if you placed first in a scored competition. You receive only the Silver tier if you came in the top 25% of scorers, but not in first place. You receive the Bronze tier if you were in the next top 25% of scorers. Scoring in the bottom half of civs or having no score yields no rewards."

Look at this example:
So if you have no chance/intention of winning, better not participate or get a zero than participate and get a low positive score, because staying out of the competition will allow potentially less silver/bronze awards.

Follow up question is, what about negative scores?
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