Current Tradition: follow link to wiki
- Artistry and Tradition are stacked up, and have a few overlapping bonuses that make Tradition/Artistry a bit Too optimal for tall, safe, GP focused play
- W.R.T. tradition, it has 2 minor GA-related bonuses that are fairly small and tangential, but contribute a lot to this overlap
- One of the bonuses in particular is on Great Person expend, which is also given by an ancient wonder: Pyramids.
- In general, there are just too many of these GP expend bonuses to be interesting. Tradition has 3 of them alone, if you include the university of Sankore. They make GP-focused playthroughs too optimal.
- Ceremony: Add +1 to Lodges, Councils, and Herbalists (currently, Councils and Herbalists only. Lodges is a new building introduced in 2.7)
- Splendor: Remove 50 on GP expend (currently 50 and . the culture stays; combined with the 2 to monuments, baths and gardens, this policy is already very stacked)
- Finisher:
- Remove +25%GA length modifier
- Add +1 to all GP Tile improvements (now +1. Strengthens association with GEngineers, and GEMS as a group, since artistry is focused on GWAM)
- Add +1 Working Range on Capital (unique bonus mechanic. No new code. Capital is settled before scouting or resource reveals, so it lets tradition players be more flexible with city management as a fun novelty bonus.)