101 Reasons Video Games are Realistic

#1122: Despite having replication technology, you need to place things called "Mass Extractors" on piles of "Mass" because you can't just gather materials from anywhere.
#1123: Mass piles exist
#1124: There's gold in there hills. (Battlefield: Bad Company)
#1125 Eating shrooms makes you bigger, faster, stronger.
1128: You can leave a huge pile of money in the middle of the street and no one will pick it up.
1129: In a world with no long distance communication, you can kill someone and everyone will instantaneously know you are a murderer.
1130: You can shoot someone in the foot and blood will gush out of their chest
1131: Pistols have unlimited ammo
1132: You can kill random animals and find gold in them
1133: Bunnies are more deadly than bears
1134: You cannot take off your underwear
1135: A green tunic with a flappy green hat will protect you from a giant sword
1136: You can hold a bomb over your head and you will not die when it explodes
This isn't part of the game, but in an unrelated note, I had always wondered about the green tunic with floppy hat thing. I mean, why does that stop me from dying when I'm stabbed? But, in LoZ:TP, they really take advantage of the Wii's graphics and finally explain this- the tunic is actually on top of concealed chainmail. So there. :P

#1138 I'm sure there's someone out there that would jump in their tank, drive underground, and fight subterranean mutants to rescue their pet frog.
#1139: You can pick up soldiers and throw them far into the sky just by moving your hand over them.
#1140: Everyone in the castle cannot fight and you have to "convert" the enemy to fight for you instead
#1141: Really large enemies can be converted into tiny archers or wizards or carpenters or kamikazes
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