14 year old in Major League Soccer....

Originally posted by Hitro
You be quiet, if you had known it you could have said something. :p

Doesn't change anything about the facts of Football and Yankeeegg.
I'm so honored. You're naming a sport after me! A sport which rakes in billions of dollars! Thank you!

Those billion viewers of the Super Bowl shall know me soon...
WTF Adu was the first draft pick! I was supposed to be the first draft pick! screw you DC United I'm signing with Galaxy.:p
Aren't almost all the teams owned by the same guy anyway?
Yeah they are. In other MLS related news, Brian McBride is set to sign with Blackburn Rovers! W00T! Up the ROvers!
Basketball, hockey and soccer/football all drink from the same cup. They all feature athletic grace, strategy and minimal stops. They are my three favorite sports.

The thing going in Adu's favor is that he has signed to a league that nobody cares about in a country where the sport has a cult following rather than being a national past-time. This should reduce his ego inflation by about 90%. In interviews he seems to have the mindset of a young Kevin Garnett which is saying a lot, specifically he seems humble and to have a desire to learn his craft from those who know it better. There are international scouts who rate him as the top prospect globally for his age group. By playing in the MLS he can develop his skills while playing outside of the limelight. While the MLS is not comprable to the top European leagues it's best players can play at a very high level as the World Cup showed in 2002 (though many are still in denial about this). It will provide good training for an obviously talented young man. I fear that he will not be playing in North America by the time he is an adult. If you can find 20-1 odds on the US winning the World Cup by 2018 it may be worth the investment of a few random bills in the pocket.
Originally posted by Hitro

You mistake the wolf for the lamb here. The MLS is most likely the most commercial league in the world. It actually signs the players to the league, not to clubs (it doesn't even contain clubs, just "teams"), it has no tradition whatsoever and operates purely for profit.
Hardly something that needs protection from business, it is business.
On paper you are right. In reality the MLS has done nothing but lose money since it began. It's television revenues are close to zero and it's tickets are cheap. In many ways it is a charity in the guise of a corperation, it's main goals are to promote the game and not go out of business. It's owners are taking a huge financial risk on the hope that the sport can join baseball, American football, basketball and hockey as a major professional team sport in this country. It is a very idealistic bet that they are taking. For it to pay off it will probably require team USA to finish in the top four in a World Cup that is broadcast during regular hours in the country (it's owners know this and are major backers of the national team). It would also help if baseball was on strike that summer. If it pays off financially it will require decades.
Originally posted by MCdread

The key words there are studying and employment. Some of us are possessed with wide interests, some spend 80 euros in booze in one night. ;)
Just out of curiosity how much booze does 80 euros buy you in Portugal? I could make the entire neighborhood my friend for that sum.
Originally posted by Drewcifer
Just out of curiosity how much booze does 80 euros buy you in Portugal? I could make the entire neighborhood my friend for that sum.
About the same than $80 in the US I guess... ;)
Originally posted by Drewcifer
Just out of curiosity how much booze does 80 euros buy you in Portugal? I could make the entire neighborhood my friend for that sum.

A lot, obviously depending on the place, though I've never tried it. For someone with more experience on it you should address Hitro. ;)
Originally posted by Hitro
"Futbol"? Are we Brazilians or what? :p

Football is the game played with the foot. Yankeeball is the game where sissies in protective suits pretend to play Rugby.

:lol: :lol:

btw, it was stated that he can only play in Europe when he is 18, that is definetely not true, they were lot of 16 or 17 years old players. I guess a 14year old is usually not so robuste to play in a professional league, at least not in a real league :p
You know what's funny. Soccer is the most played youth sport in America over football (American definitions!).
Originally posted by SanPellegrino

:lol: :lol:

btw, it was stated that he can only play in Europe when he is 18, that is definetely not true, they were lot of 16 or 17 years old players. I guess a 14year old is usually not so robuste to play in a professional league, at least not in a real league :p

No, it is somewhat true. FIFA has strange transfer rules about minors playing professionally. Of course, rules can be circumvented.

MLS is already getting their $$ worth out of this kid, tons of free press, first round of the Draft televised for the first time, etc. ABC already has the DC United game listed in their spring scheduling. That's major because before this they've shown maybe 2 games per year. MLS has to pay to get their games on.
Yankee-egg, I'm all über it! It's good that Adu stays in the states for some time, I doubt if a 14 year old can take some Italian tackles...

About the age limit in Europe: it's a bit country-dependent, but money can solve everything (meaning: there's a minimum wage you have to earn before you can get a working permit as long as you're a non-EU citizen).
I've signed him for championship manager too on a few occasions...and have played him in a squad rotation system and he's done good.

For you Americans, this boy has been watched by all the world's major clubs and is probably the highest rated young player in the world...
...in some ways it's a shame that he decided to stay in the US, in football development terms, I mean. In terms of keeping him grounded and schooling etc. it's a good decision. But to develop further as a player he really should be in training with a major team.

I hope he makes it as he is a very exciting talent...
Originally posted by Marla_Singer
Well as you're asking me, I support Thierry Henry and Robert Pirès because they are just so cute ! I think Pirès has portuguese relatives so please like him too McDread !!!!

Now, about the PSG, according to my bf (always the same one... he's fascinated by those people running after a ball), the club has never had such an awful game before but it seems to work well for them. So of course I'm glad ! Even if I don't know the name of even one of their players :p !

Here's another one converted from the civ-releted forums to sports!
But I didn't realize you were a girl! (I even watched Fight Club but always thought that there are no women around)

BTW, I don't think Pires and Henry are SO cute......
like my girlfriend, she says that Trezeguet is cute :vomit:
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