(33) Proposal: Cooperation buff

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Nov 1, 2020
Cooperation is a follower belief that grants +5 to all base yields in a city upon population growth. It was nerfed several patches ago and its values decreased from +10 to +5, due to it being considered highly powerful in the hands of an AI, although not necessarily for humans. It has remained rather mediocre and uncompetitive with other follower beliefs since then. This proposal seeks to partially revert that nerf.

+5 to all base yields every time a citizen is born in the city. Bonus scales with era.
+8 to all base yields every time a citizen is born in the city. Bonus scales with era.

Base yields refer to: Food, Production, Gold, Science, Culture, Faith
In addition to the buff, the other goal here is to also get it an even value so it doesn't conflict with Epic speed.
I am willing to compromise it down to a +6 if it means staying even.
You should just use my more beliefs mod, which fixes cooperation.

The yields on growth are too unstable to stand on their own, because the AI grows faster and can use the belief too well. The solution I landed on was to roll the bonus into a belief building, and make it a smaller component of a larger belief
Yeah, but I don't exactly agree with all the changes in that mod, unfortunately.

I recognise the concern that people have with the way the yields work, and I'm not too attached to the way it works right now either. But as long as it is what it is, I think there is some room for improvement without being too strong (for the AI), hence only a partial revert to the nerf. As mentioned in the OP, shifting the yields to an even number is a major motivation here too- +6 is also an option on the table if that's what's preferred.
I sponsor this proposal.

Proposal Sponsors: Recursive.

(Sponsors have indicated that they are able and willing to perform the code changes required for this proposal if the community votes Aye on it. Other coders are free to sponsor this as well. A proposal without a sponsor will not advance to the Voting Phase.)
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