[Vote] (6-30) Coal Spawn Changes

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Jul 24, 2022
Proposal (6-30): Make Coal Spawn on Tundra and Desert

There was some discussion about the lack of coal and imbalance of its distribution on communitas maps, but the problem is present on all the standart mapscripts (afaik). The base CIV5 only allows TERRAIN_PLAINS and TERRAIN_GRASS for coal and it severely cripples already resouse-starved desert and tundra starts. Moreover, coal is the only strategic that cannot spawn in tundra.

So my proposition is to allow coal to spawn on desert and tundra tiles. It wouldn't even contradict the real world.

Original thread: Make Coal Spawn on Tundra and Desert by @APLion

Proposal (6-30a): Make Coal Spawn in Forests (Grassland and Plains)

Currently coal spawns on featureless grassland and plains, while oil spawns on flat desert, tundra, snow, marsh and jungle. They have no overlaps but notably neither of them spawn in forests.
I propose to add coal spawns in grassland and plains forests, so they make better complements.

Note: will have the side effect of slightly reducing Iron spawn in the targeted area.

Original thread: Make Coal Spawn in Forests (Grassland and Plains) by @azum4roll
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Shouldn't it be inclusive choice? The 6-30a does not solve any of the problems in the original proposal
Your proposal only "allow(s) coal to spawn on desert and tundra tiles". The counterproposal allows coal to spawn in grass or plains forest. Both do the same thing in different directions.
Coal in tundra only makes players have less coal in average since around half of the tundra is trash.
As I understand it, neither proposal actually says to increase coal on the map. What this will mainly do is make the places that coal spawns now less distinct, because they will lose one of the advantages they currently have.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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