Civilization VII, one month later: The community and developers chime in

For a summary:
In this article in Ars Technica Dennis Shirk talks about the current state of the game, that they are aware that the interface is lacking, their decision to hire sukritact, the challenges with making everything work also on the different consoles, and the necessity to keep tweaking and balancing the game further.

EDIT: They also refer to the reddit, and not to us, so I hate them and we should boycott them lol.
(not meant seriously)
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No, the subreddit is far more negative about the game than this forum is.
The article is very generous to Firaxis, and almost reads like a puff piece - I struggled to keep reading when the Ars writer wrote that "Firaxis has been releasing patches to address complaints. For example, patch 1.1.0 on March 4 fixed some visual problems with the technology tree..." That tech tree UI is still horrific with broken lines.
The tacit admission they broke from the 33% rule was surprising. I wonder if they’ll stick closer to it in future, given the problems pushing the New quotient has caused.
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