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[DLL] (7-NS) Disallow citadel tunneling (Lebensraum exploit)

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Could make GGenerals treat foreign-owned land as if it were neutral land when placing citadels.

You can already plant citadels in neutral land adjacent to your owned land, but if your land is pushed up against a foreign border you have to plant the citadel inside your own land.
If your GGenerals could ignore this and plant citadels in foreign land as if it were neutral then you could still get the 2 tile projection and leapfrog effect that Lebensraum gives, but without the massive 2 tile radius that eats tiles in all directions, instead of just the direction you were headed.

Don't know if that would be hard to do, but it seems doable.
This is the optimal way of handling it in my opinion. I can propose it if it's okay with PDan.
If the main concern is the exploit during peacetime, then maybe we could have land stealing from Citadels trigger a war if done against a major civ. It's not as easy to tunnel citadels if the units of the other side can immediately block and fight back, and triggering Defensive Pacts is quite a deterrent on its own right.

We could also have a limit of one GG expenditure per turn alongside it, but it's quite an artificial limit.
People already LIKE an OP exploitive lebensraum
Not me. I avoid picking it because it just breaks the AI.

Citadel placement should be a valid Casus Belli once that's implemented, and that should be made impossible during peace treaty.

And teach the AI to use Citadel while at war already, please.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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