(7-WD) Vassal Unit Levy Rework

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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Counterproposal to https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...hange-use-highest-tier-unit-not-lowest.689131

How vassal unit levies currently work:
What the code does is loops through each of the master's existing land combat units and adds them to a set of possibilities (with each unique type being granted equal weight). So if the master has a Warrior, four Archers, and two Scouts, there is an equal chance of a Warrior, Archer, or Scout being chosen for each spawn.

The units that the master currently has on the map are used, not the possible units it can build.

The code then creates (# of vassals * 2) units, with each unit being individually and randomly chosen from the set of possibilities.

I propose to change this mechanic as follows: it can choose from any type of land combat unit the master can currently build (rather than ones that the master currently has on the map; this will also exclude obsolete units), excluding scouting units - that is to say, units with the DefaultUnitAIType of UNITAI_EXPLORE.

This will solve the problem of obsolete units while still preserving some randomness in what can be created. The original proposal simply says to always choose the "highest unit" but does not specify how (base power, I'm assuming), and generally speaking, all units have their uses. Sameness is boring.
I'm positive @Stalker0 just means that it picks from the most technologically advanced versions of the UnitCombats you have available, not the least. The randomness of what UnitCombats are chosen would be unchanged.
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I'm positive @Stalker0 just means that it picks from the most technologically versions of the UnitCombats you have available, not the least. The randomness of what UnitCombats are chosen would be unchanged.
Agreed, that was my intention. I can certainly update the OP to indicate that if we need it
I like both this and Stalker's original proposal, without a doubt. I'm slightly leaning towards this one, as recon units while certainly useful and have their place, you don't need that many of them, especially if you're near your supply limit.
Proposal withdrawn as the original proposal has been amended to be identical to this one.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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